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That's lovely, Lee, I am so looking forward to it!
I know that feeling well,honestly folk had tried to explain to me how intense the feelings are for grandkids but until you actually experience it it is indescribable really....The first time I held my eldest grandson who's now 2 1/2 I thought my heart was going to explode,my husband had to tell me to breathe,my second grandson is 14 weeks and the love is equally as intense...When is the baby due Bolton?,
I can't wait for the scan picture! Mind you, it only seems like yesterday I had my scan with my son whose now going to be a dad!  He's 23 on Friday so its a lovely birthday present for him
Aww I bet he feels it's the best present he's ever had....I know what you mean how you feel it was like yesterday you had your scan of him,where does the time go Bolton?...One minute we're holding them in our arms ,cuddling them and inhaling their baby smell,in a blink of an eye we hug them and we're inhaling their aftershave....Please keep us updated how things are going,it would be a pleasure to share your excitement.

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