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As I knew that IACGMOOH starts soon and that we would want a stickied thread for it, I asked Seattle to remove the sticky from the Smartphone Poll one to make room. Seattle has asked me to set up a IACGMOOH thread for them to sticky so here it is.

I've chosen a title to be similar to the Strictly Come Dancing and X Factor ones.

Another thread was started yesterday but has'nt been active since yesterday afternoon. Among the potential contestants these were mentioned:

Ainsley Harriot (but not on the Sun's list below)
Linford Christie
Nigel Havers
Lembit Opik
Alison Hammond
Stacey Solomon (XFactor)
Chico Slimani (XFactor) (but not on the Suns's list below)

Presumably Lembit Opik won't be bringing along his ex Cheeky Girl

But apparently one of the other contestants is Britt Ekland.

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The Sun has a list of the 12 contestants it reckons are in this year. Ainsley Harriot & Chico Slimani are not mentioned, but the others are.

The 12 listed are:
Nigel Havers
Gail Porter
Shaun Ryder
Britt Ekland
Linford Christie
Alison Hammond
Gillian McKeith
Lembit Opik
Stacey Solomon
Dom Joly
Sheryl Gascoigne
Aggro Santos

Click here to The Sun article with details and photos of the contestants. Don't try to copy the photos or details as you will find that you cannot.
El Loro
At present, we don't know whether Ainsley Harriott is a contestant or not. The Sun's list doesn't include him, but until ITV say who is on, nobody can say for certain.

Gillian McKeith is a food nutritionist and best known for You Are What You Eat, poo examination, and being at odds with health professionals over her advice (according to Wiki).
El Loro
replaced by a Playboy model who I never heard of
Some one called Kayla Collins. I'm not surprised Gail Porter has pulled out. Apparently no reason has been given, but considering she suffered from Alopecia a few years ago, quite possibly through stress, it could well be on medical advice, and I'm pleased for her that she has changed her mind.
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

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