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nah, wouldn't bother me, although i doubt he ever would as he does a whole lot of 'what crap are you reading now, big brother is over blah blah blah'

I did have the pleasure of seeing him nearly pass out when he came face to face with a woman who had left a suggestive comment on one of his FB pictures. we were shopping and he turned bright red and whispered 'hurry up, hurry up, hurry up' while gently moving me towards the door. I nodded a hello at his friend and when we got outside asked WTF is wrong with you? 'Did you not see what she said on my FB?' erm no. 'I think I'll defreind her she a bit freaky'  

Bless him he hasn't a breeze.
I've been single the whole time I've been foruming and before that neither me nor my OH [waits for Saz to do stabby things] bothered with forums..

but that was a very very very very  long time ago so I dunno  how it would work if  I was no longer single [not a chance of that] and if we'd post on the same place. . suppose after being used to Forums now I'd maybe carry on looking in now and then but I can't imagine wanting to be on a forum all the time if I had someone else around sharing my life. . except maybe to keep in contact with people who don't live local to me cos that wasn't available to me so much before and tis cheaper than the phone for a quick catch up.... tho I understand people do sit next to each other and talk via forums which I find a really funny concept.. the world sure is a different place nowadays..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I made the mistake of using hubbys laptop to come on here once...    I didn't bookmark it or anything...   but the sneaky git must have had a look through his history to see where I had been... and he must have bookmarked it...   cos a few weeks later I started a thread on here about a kerfuffle involving him, our dog & a dog on the loose that they had encountered....   resulting in a minor flesh wound on Mr Ditty's arm.   And I did mention he was hamming it up a bit (which he was!)..     

a couple of hours later he marches into the kitchen to confront me about the mean things I had been saying.

I had to watch what I said from then on on here...   til we moved to livecloud 

I have never given him directions to Livecloud 

Its not a huge deal him being on here really..    but a bit like when my daughter is on here, I can't relax...  I have to go into wife/mum mode. 

Anyways...   he has his own forums...   where he discusses me...   voices his domestic niggles...  kinda thing!   bloody hypocrite! 
ho I understand people do sit next to each other and talk via forums which I find a really funny concept.

I've shared a PC and a phone to post before, but that was to other people and in my own account, not to talk to the person I'm sitting with.

I'm trying to think if I've ever sat on one PC with someone sat in same room or on the same sofa with another and we've typed on the same forum/site and talked to each other (even work colleagues in an office). Nah, that hasn't happened.
tho I understand people do sit next to each other and talk via forums which I find a really funny concept
Ickle & I do that 

though its not our sole activity...   she will be also stalking on facebook, chatting on facebook, finding crap on youtube...   etc...  

she doesn't come on here much...   but we have sat side by side on here at least twice...  (once was the night we discovered  the ruby lipped batfish and then the blobfish which looked like Steve from Big Brother!)

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