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Originally Posted by Moomin:

With all the furore about Carole and Pete Burns on BBOTS, I forgot all about this, but I wanted to ask if anyone else who watched was surprised by Jay's Dad on the programme.

When he spoke, he seemed quite normal - and not in a Louise kind of way. He just didn't seem the sort of bloke who would have had such a womanising, turd loving son.

I think it said it was his step-father Moomin?

Originally Posted by Moomin:

With all the furore about Carole and Pete Burns on BBOTS, I forgot all about this, but I wanted to ask if anyone else who watched was surprised by Jay's Dad on the programme.

When he spoke, he seemed quite normal - and not in a Louise kind of way. He just didn't seem the sort of bloke who would have had such a womanising, turd loving son.

LOL moomin  I think it's the Geordie way (as a bloke) to be a tough talking hairy arsed bloke.... but deep down, Jay is a nice person, with a good heart imo, if he could just drop the 'ard ma' persona...and stop shaving his arse in public.


have to admit (sounding harsh here,) but when I saw Louise's mum and dad, I did question if she is adopted.  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

Does anyone else think Jay's Mum has a bad case of mutton dressed as lamb and the hat looks stupid?

Or is it just me?

nope - you're spot on.

Don't get me wrong - I am all for us mature women making the best of themselves -but she just looked wrong. Also far too much time in the tanning shop...


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