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Bethni posted:
kattymieoww posted:

I could do this task no bother,not scared of critters,rats are lovely.😉

Can you go get my Christmas tree out the garage? 

No bother, won't even disturb the spiders or their webs 😊

kattymieoww posted:
Bethni posted:
kattymieoww posted:

I could do this task no bother,not scared of critters,rats are lovely.😉

Can you go get my Christmas tree out the garage? 

No bother, won't even disturb the spiders or their webs 😊

Hi Katty 

Baz posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Baz posted:

Sing your own praises , why don’t you 

tbh not keen on her


I don't watch Corrie so have no idea who she is, she's done well in tasks but i'm not keen on her either for some reason.

Geordi posted:
Rexi posted:

James? Never seen him before in my life ...

Nor have I, he is what seems just a nice guy, who tries his hardest for the best......

He's ok....lacks personality, but maybe the edit hasn't shown much of him


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