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Kaytee posted:

One teacher used to make the whole class put their hands flat on the desk and went round and whacked us all


awful and in a way it's a good thing it stopped. We got beatings for nothing, I could easily duck the duster and I had a whole lot of respect for my maths teacher who could throw it like a female russian shot putter. The senseless floggings were awful and unjustified. 

Kaytee posted:
Baz posted:
Kaytee posted:
Baz posted:
Kaytee posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Kaytee posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Yogi19 posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Yogi19 posted:


Sounds like he is still traumatised 

 Poor Stanley

Yes poor Stanley. I hope he didnt send Boris to boarding school.

He did lol

 Oh no, knowing he was flogged he still sent Boris wow.

Flogging means 6 of the best with the cane.....we got whacked with a ruler at primary school....went to Grammar and easy detention was a relief

We got the ruler ....and the occasional blackboard rubber thrown at us 

Dodging the blackboard rubber was classed as sport

Yep And if you were really unlucky , and got hit , you prayed it wasnā€™t by the wooden part 

My friend got caught on the temple by the wooden edge,just missed her eye,but she had to go to hospital for the cut to be wasn't aimed at her either but the boy in front....who ducked!


prettycocoaeyes posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Kaytee posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Kaytee posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Kaytee posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Yogi19 posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Yogi19 posted:


Sounds like he is still traumatised 

 Poor Stanley

Yes poor Stanley. I hope he didnt send Boris to boarding school.

He did lol

 Oh no, knowing he was flogged he still sent Boris wow.

Flogging means 6 of the best with the cane.....we got whacked with a ruler at primary school....went to Grammar and easy detention was a relief

In Scotland they had the belt. Some teacher would split the end so you got a double stinger on your hand

That's sadistic šŸ™€

It was. 

Imagine if kids of today where flogged like that? 

They would be more disciplined for sure, worked for us!......not that I think it should return


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