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Right this isn't a pisstake before anyone says.

I have this thing where I keep thinking I'm being over shadowed by something. It can happen at any time, when I'm walking along the street, sitting and relaxing indoors.

Basically what happens is when I'm looking forward I kind of feel and kind of see/sense a shadow of something above me, I can't tell you whether I see the shadow or not, I duno maybe I do but I definitely feel like there's a shadow. It kinda feels like somethings lurking over me or somethings about to drop on me. It makes me kinda feel like I have to duck or sort of scrunch my neck down, sometimes I even duck and place my hand over my head, like the reaction you'd have if something was going to fall on your head. It's kind of a natural reaction, like you'd blink if something was approaching your eyes. But then when I look up and there's nothing there.
It's weird, even though it's happened a lot and there's never anything there, every time it happens I actually think there's something there. It's weird.

It's been happening or at least I remember it happening probably since I was about 17 (I've just turned 24) and maybe happens on average about a couple of times a month or more. Just varies really. It doesn't necessarily happen when I'm tired, it's just random.

At first I thought it could be something to do with dodgy eyes, but I've had eye tests and it's not that. I don't think I've got anything wrong with my brain, I don't take drugs. I've tried googling it but can't find anything. I don't wanna go see the doctor because i'd feel like a clown and it doesn't really affect my life much apart from making me a look a bit strange reacting to something that's not there.

I've told a couple of mates and they think it's a joke and the best diagnosis I got was that it's the devil stalking me ready to take me to hell lol.

I know it's a long shot, but does any one else experience anything similar?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I was once told by someone who claimed psychic abilities that if you ever glimpse something out of the corner of your eye that's gone when you look its a ghost.... wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Oh no apparently it is something called a neech.Now there is this theory that there are loads of parallel universes and everynow and then they cross. So you see another person from another universe out of the corner of your eye as they cross your path due to the time thingy.
my serious reply is that it sounds like some sort of learned behaviour.

Somthing might have made you duck or flinch years ago and now if the situation resembles that, even slightly, it might trigger off an unconscious memory of it which makes you react in a similar way

You might want to keep a diary to record things that are happening around you when it occurs, such as mood, time of day, environment, thoughts etc...

Just my take on it,........ but I wouldn't go attaching any supernatural significance to it, the brain can play REALLY strange tricks on people that then get misinterpreted this way as it's simpler.
It's not anything floating around the eye. It's absolutely 100% not that, it's not directly in front of me, I don't see an area directly in front of me. It's hard to explain, it's like a shadow looming over me, like over the whole of me from above, but when I look up there's nothing there. It's like imagine walking along, then someone comes up behind you and holds an umbrella above your head, the shadow feels like that.

Never thought of that dancesettee. They are very few and far between, the reason I posted this today was because it happened today just when i was walking up the stairs. The last time was probably about a month ago or maybe longer, that was outside just walking along, The next time might be 2 months away, or it might be 2 days away. Maybe you're right though, maybe something is triggering it off subconsciously.
Crunchy  Nuts
Crunchy do you actually see a shadow or is it just a presence?
I dunno if I actually see a shadow on the floor like the shape of something, it's kind of like over me, but I kind of sense something above me, I feel like I'm totally being over shadowed. Then that makes me think there's something above me which results in me ducking or flinching or whatever, then looking up and there being nothing there and then it's back to normal. It's just like for a few seconds or something.
Crunchy  Nuts
I think Isadora could be right, you may be having mild anxiety attacks. As you have been experiencing this since you were a baby, it's possible that something happened when for instance you might have been in your pram one day and the blanket accidentally went over your face or something like a bird flew towards you just over the pram. Have you tried talking to your mother about what you have experienced, you may find that she caould remember something like that happening to you.

Have a look at a reference to anxiety attacks to see if you recognise some of the symptoms. Start keeping a diary of your thoughts, particularly when you have these experiences because you may see some connection, and then if you do you may be able to become more self aware and able to get control over this.

You are definitely not mad, but I should think about talking to your doctor because they may be able to help, particurly if you can describe any other symptoms you experience at the same time.
El Loro

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