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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Why so many cheers when he came out

TBH  yellow im done now


What a lousy twist so close to the end. One good thing tonight is Becky has gone, yaaaaay!!!!!!

Luke S looks like he's gone too  

He's gutted his "friend" turned on him

Yellow Rose

Re. Conor on BOTS saying that he wanted Adam to win.


Did we ever hear him expressing this opinion in the house? If not, is it possible someone gave him a PR briefing between his departure and interview? Alternatively, has he worked out who the probable winners now are - and this is his anti-Deana selection?


Watching Caroline as he said this - she reminded me of a cartoon character - i was expecting her face to gradually crack and suddenly shatter into a million pieces.

Cold Sweat

There was a break between the HL show and BBBOTS ,Conor has been accused of being racist so I am not surprised that he was coached to reply Adam when asked who he wanted to win .They must think we are daft!!

Conor is eveything he accused others HMS of being .He is the liar ,he cant be trusted ,he loves the money and he had the biggest game plan but his violent and sexual rant ended his chance of winning .

Originally Posted by erinp:

There was a break between the HL show and BBBOTS ,Conor has been accused of being racist so I am not surprised that he was coached to reply Adam when asked who he wanted to win .They must think we are daft!!

Conor is eveything he accused others HMS of being .He is the liar ,he cant be trusted ,he loves the money and he had the biggest game plan but his violent and sexual rant ended his chance of winning .

well said


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