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First of all who is going to employ all the people who lose their jobs through spending cuts?  Certainly not the public sector of course - there will be over 20,000 civil servants on the dole, along with countless others.  Looking at the jobcentre websites, its not going to be the private sector either. 

As long as Cameron gets away with blaming the Labour party for this he will get away with ruining the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in this country, just like Maggie did. 
It depressed me the day he arrived at Downing Street because I knew what was to come and it didn't take him long, did it?

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It scares me too and it seems that his pal Clegg isn't going to put up any fight as long as his party have part of power, the cuts had to come we all know that. What's worrying me is the cuts are too deep, too quickly and are going to put thousands on the dole and those already in high unemployment area's will have no chance at all. I don't think the damage that Thatcher did  in the 80's will touch this by the time it's finished.
What is totally, totally pissing me off, is the thought of changing the percentage of when we can have a vote on no confidence in parliament. They could bring the country to it's knees and we still would have a government in power that's not fit to rule, how can these people be so blatantly desperate to stay in power. 

Mr Cameron's speech two weeks ago at the tory party conference was 'look what we have done in five months, think what we can do in five years'   What a fecking tool he is and looked 
Didn't Gordon Brown get us into this mess by allowing the banks free reign from the bank of England therefore allowing them to lend lend lend & furthermore isn't the GBP also to blame for being greedy & borrowing beyond their means!

Is your husband a civil servant Boltan fan ?

BTW am neither tory nor labour..infact I hate em all!
Party politics is a farce!
Well I was under the impression this was a worldwide problem, not just a British one so I think Gordon Brown played a part but certainly not to the degree the Tories are trying to imply!  How could be be responsible for a global recession? 

Yes, my husband is MOD civilain staff and at the moment is in a job that may not last beyond next March so its not looking good for us
Bolton Fan
Recession usually has a knock on maybe none of them are to blame ?
But in reality I think they are all to blame, for hiding behind their party colours!
Why should someone be the head of a gov dept just cos they are tory..if another person is better for the job but is Labour then he should get the job...I pay my taxes & want the best man for the job!! Maybe if we did away with this old hat of a way to run the country we may strive forward!
It all smacks a bit of nepitism to me!  Very civil service!

Best of luck for your husband Bolton fan..
My husband used to work for HMIT for a number of years till he saw sense & now has peace working for a precision engineering company!
Reference: slimfern
But don't they all blame each other...Didn't Blair blame the tories etc?
Yes, they all do it of course. Always have and always will.

I'm not smart enough to have answers, but I do know that it is not possible to continue living beyond our means and building up massive debts indefinitely. 

Don't forget that on leaving office Labour MP Liam Byrne left a note:-

“6 April 2010
Dear Chief Secretary

I’m afraid there is no money.

Kind regards – and good luck!

Reference:Bolton Fan
Well I was under the impression this was a worldwide problem, not just a British one so I think Gordon Brown played a part but certainly not to the degree the Tories are trying to imply! How could be be responsible for a global recession? Yes, my husband is MOD civilain staff and at the moment is in a job that may not last beyond next March so its not looking good for us
I agree.  New Labour fell in love with capitalism and Thatcherite ideology to a certain extent and relished being the bankers' preferred government of choice.  The light touch regulatory policy was as a result of the post-Thatcherite consensus that really did believe that as long as the city of London was attracting inward investment then the British economy could be a dynamic capitalist powerhouse of Europe.  New Labour believed that we could run a robust, deregulated Thatcherite economy and channel the fruits of that economy into social welfare rather than tax cuts mainly for the rich. 

In that sense IMO they ran capitalism better than the Tories.  No one could have predicted that the banks would screw up as badly as they did and create the 'perfect storm'.  Only around three years ago experts were still speculating that house prices could double in five years but something had to give eventually.

The brakes should have been put on the economy before the property market became so overheated and the economy might have had a safer landing but the recession is global and there's little the government could have done to prevent most of it IMO.  The thing is, we got caught out in the early 1990s recession for more or less the same reasons as we got caught out in this one.

The Tories never suggested dampening the economy nor did they suggest more City of London banking regulation.  The Tories argued for even less regulation and more stimulus for the property market. Cameron can't say "we told you so" because they didn't.
The light touch regulatory policy was as a result of the post-Thatcherite consensus that really did believe that as long as the city of London was attracting inward investment then the British economy could be a dynamic capitalist powerhouse of Europe.  New Labour believed that we could run a robust, deregulated Thatcherite economy and channel the fruits of that economy into social welfare rather than tax cuts mainly for the rich.

Thatcherism got shut of the backbone of Britsh Society--- Unions... She closed the pits coz the struck against her.... The days when the voters had a say in the government (through Unions) are long gone--- now we are in an era of what we say and do goes---- live with it.. Wish i had emigrated when i was younger. Labours slogan---" Things will only get Better"--- Tories slogan--- " I'll get by with a little help from my friends".. The Libdems joining this govt has put them back at least 20 yrs.. Never again will i listen to what either of them have to say in their manifesto.... Total liars.
The Libdems joining this govt has put them back at least 20 yrs.. Never again will i listen to what either of them have to say in their manifesto.... Total liars.
I have been saying this forever - the libdems are tarts if you will.They will get into bed with anyone to get a bit of power.
In my mind they are far worse than either labour or the tories because they really have lied to get what they want.
I think further education is the biggest example of this. They just lay down and went with the tories.
Bolton Fan offline 378 Forum Posts Yesterday at 5:26 PM First of all who is going to employ all the people who lose their jobs through spending cuts? Certainly not the public sector of course - there will be over 20,000 civil servants on the dole, along with countless others. Looking at the jobcentre websites, its not going to be the private sector either. As long as Cameron gets away with blaming the Labour party for this he will get away with ruining the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in this country, just like Maggie did. It depressed me the day he arrived at Downing Street because I knew what was to come and it didn't take him long, did it?
So what do you suggest the Tories do then?  Who else is to blame for the awful state of this country if not Labour?

He has to make cuts in Welfare Benefits and there are far too many people employed in the Public Sector, unnecessarily.  Having said that, I do not agree with him cutting benefits for single people earning over ÂĢ44,000 (I think) and letting couples keep it who are earning over ÂĢ80,000.  Also, he better not touch the cold weather payments to the elderley.

But........ what are they supposed to do to get this country out of the mess it is in?  One area he should cut back on is overseas aid, imo.
LL I agree there has to be cuts but not to the extent they are doing them to much to soon and some not fair Labour cant be blamed for everything it is a world recession,more people will lose their jobs their  houses as they wont be able to pay their morgages and some wont be able to afford to pay their rents under this government.
I know it is going to be difficult Marguerita, but what is the alternative?  This country cannot go on as it has been doing.  I agree there is a world recession, but we have lived under a Labour government for many years, so of course they must take most of the blame for the state of this country.  If it had been a Tory government we had been living under, I am sure the majority of people would be saying the same thing about them.  They have to make the cuts now, what is the point in drawing them out?

As I said in my post, I don't agree with all of the cuts.
Well, we will see what is going to be done later today I guess.   It's a difficult task for them to do and it is going to get harder in the years ahead.  I just hope that the cuts are where they are needed and they are done fairly and justly.  Whichever government we have in power, they would be faced with the same decisions the Tories are now faced with.
To LL -  first of all some people in the public sector may well be employed unnecessarily as you put it but at the moment they are employed, soon they won't be therefore putting additional burdens on the state.  Secondly, it is a matter of opinion as to whether the cuts that are happening ARE in fact as necessary as the Tories would have us believe.  I only heard on the radio this morning that economists are divided over the issue.  Personally I believe Cameron and his cronies are doing this now so they can put the blame firmly at the door of the Labour party and hope they get as little flak as possible because if they'd left it a year or so people would have forgotton how much they didn't like Gordon
Bolton Fan
Bolton Fan online 379 Forum Posts Today at 8:57 AM Last Edited: To LL - first of all some people in the public sector may well be employed unnecessarily as you put it but at the moment they are employed, soon they won't be therefore putting additional burdens on the state. Secondly, it is a matter of opinion as to whether the cuts that are happening ARE in fact as necessary as the Tories would have us believe. I only heard on the radio this morning that economists are divided over the issue. Personally I believe Cameron and his cronies are doing this now so they can put the blame firmly at the door of the Labour party and hope they get as little flak as possible because if they'd left it a year or so people would have forgotton how much they didn't like Gordon
Well, that's your opinion of course but one I do not agree with
Reference: Bolton Lass
first of all some people in the public sector may well be employed unnecessarily as you put it but at the moment they are employed, soon they won't be therefore putting additional burdens on the state.  Secondly, it is a matter of opinion as to whether the cuts that are happening ARE in fact as necessary as the Tories would have us believe.  I only heard on the radio this morning that economists are divided over the issue.  Personally I believe Cameron and his cronies are doing this now so they can put the blame firmly at the door of the Labour party and hope they get as little flak as possible because if they'd left it a year or so people would have forgotton how much they didn't like Gordon
 I hope everything goes ok for you and your family over the next few weeks 
Thank you Ding Dong

The only way he can guarantee having a job is by moving to Bristol.  The thing is, we don't want to move from the area, our grown up children live here, the rest of our families and my job is here.  Plus our first grandchild is arriving next year, why should we have to uproot ourselves away from all that just to have an income?
Bolton Fan
To LL - first of all some people in the public sector may well be employed unnecessarily as you put it but at the moment they are employed, soon they won't be therefore putting additional burdens on the state. Secondly, it is a matter of opinion as to whether the cuts that are happening ARE in fact as necessary as the Tories would have us believe. I only heard on the radio this morning that economists are divided over the issue. Personally I believe Cameron and his cronies are doing this now so they can put the blame firmly at the door of the Labour party and hope they get as little flak as possible because if they'd left it a year or so people would have forgotton how much they didn't like Gordon
I do not envy you Bolton XX  You PERHAPS have some tough decisions  to make. 

totally agree katty no ones job is in isolation.. you shut down an office and you can shut down the people who provide them with lunch or computer systems and every one else they interact with.

the next few years is going to  be grim for every one from the civil servant to the guy who delivers pizza. But how the cut backs are implemented is key to limiting the damage and in the wrong hands we are fecked 

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