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OH's youngest is 14-15 in april

he's now over 6ft, growing a tash, voice has broke & he's good looking


he's got a bird same age (only for a few weeks-his first GF)

i know its serious cos he's gone all grown up & talks to us like we're kids


he decided the other day to clear his room

ie throw his stuff out like lego models & OH think its to make him more grown up


OH made me get condoms the other day 'just in case' 


she's out now-miles away-take her over an hour to get home


and he's just brought this girl back!

straight up to his room!



ive told his mom

she's told me to stand guard by his room 

i cant do that!


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yogi got in with the keep the door open advice first


Remember while the under age girl is in your home you are responsible for her as well . . Better to be seen as the nagging grown up than be seen to allow under age sex under your roof


Doubt her parents, if they are decent ones,  would be too pleased to know she was being allowed to stay behind closed doors with a boy in someone else's house. .



Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Yogi got in with the keep the door open advice first


Remember while the under age girl is in your home you are responsible for her as well . . Better to be seen as the nagging grown up than be seen to allow under age sex under your roof


Doubt her parents, if they are decent ones,  would be too pleased to know she was being allowed to stay behind closed doors with a boy in someone else's house. .



thats true

i know she's from the 'posh end'

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

all good points

his mom has rang

he's not answered

and i just CANT go upstairs!

im too embarrassed

i remember me at that age

my mom used to BURST into my room like wonder woman if i had a girl there



maybe theyre just playing the playstation

Shout upstairs and ask him to come down for a minute as you need a word.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

took the bull by the horns

i burst in


theyre eating chinese & watching a horror film



 Well done.


Take them up a big tub of ice cream, after that lot all they will want to do is sleep


together? noooooo lol


im trying very hard to be a good step parent

probably too hard

i panicked


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

took the bull by the horns

i burst in


theyre eating chinese & watching a horror film

 I'd still make them leave the door ajar.

Yup. . I agree ... they are too young to be alone behind closed doors.. and I don't give a toss what people say about kids being more mature nowadays. ..they aren't in their minds, especially if adolescent,   parenting seems a shed load more relaxed than it used to be, giving kids more choices/freedom, lumped under the giving kids 'respect' title,  to make grown up decisions when they haven't got the know how to make them at all..  hence a lot more teen pregnancies..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

he's just come into my room - the girl has gone home-i asked him if he behaved-he laughed & said of course

as he went out i noticed the love bite on his neck


but dont mean he did nothing wrong-i think

anyway ive told him not to take her to his room again

unless we say its ok

his dad lives up the road-he should be telling him this

but he's such a sop

his mom can tell him aswell


stupid to leave me in charge


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