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I completely surprised myself at how emotional I felt .... but all of a sudden, it hit me
As I am out tonight, last night was the last night I would ever watch C4's Big Brother
I'm taping it all of course ... so I'll catch up on saturday .... but it was a very sad episode, especially when Davina went in to give the HM's thier letters from home

Anyone else found themselves sobbing ?

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oh my goodness! ... I'd love that .... It'd be so sad ... but I'd love it
 Marjoreee... I love blinking, I do... Bubble! Hold me!... We're having a camp fire!... Am I minging?... Och, Noooo... I could kill you with these two fingers.. Any further in the closet, and you'd be in Narnia.. NO, no, naked jacuzziness!...Big Brother, I not only understand, I overstand.. Who IS she??...Wankers!... You better know yourself, little girl.. It's not you, it's me... I want to gurr hurrrm... Nah-nah-nah-ner-nah, they can't mess with us... Big Brudda, please don' take any more my fren... Shut urrrp! SHUT UUUURRP!.. I am the irrepresssible dark horse... I'd smooth him right over...

Marjoreee... I love blinking, I do... Bubble! Hold me!... We're having a camp fire!... Am I minging?... Och, Noooo... I could kill you with these two fingers.. Any further in the closet, and you'd be in Narnia.. NO, no, naked jacuzziness!...Big Brother, I not only understand, I overstand.. Who IS she??...Wankers!... You better know yourself, little girl.. It's not you, it's me... I want to gurr hurrrm... Nah-nah-nah-ner-nah, they can't mess with us... Big Brudda, please don' take any more my fren... Shut urrrp! SHUT UUUURRP!.. I am the irrepresssible dark horse... I'd smooth him right over...
Your memory! 
I'm cookin' a egg for the very first time, ah-hoooo, ah-hooo... Jade, have you been taking stupid pills?... Compronday?... I think I might be pregnant... Fix up, look sharp... I've already got the sniffles.. I am not a sandwich... How much longer is this ordeal going to go on?... Well, at least someone got wet tonight, even if it wasn't Saskia.. Would you like meeeee to be the cat?
I'm cookin' a egg for the very first time, ah-hoooo, ah-hooo... Jade, have you been taking stupid pills?... Compronday?... I think I might be pregnant... Fix up, look sharp... I've already got the sniffles.. I am not a sandwich... How much longer is this ordeal going to go on?... Well, at least someone got wet tonight, even if it wasn't Saskia.. Would you like meeeee to be the cat?

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