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Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Seems a bit unfair.

It really does Roger, I've listened to these people describing what had happened to the company and their dismissal without real explanation. They lost a lot of money and there is no trail to any Cayman Island account. I just feel this Government has a duty of care for it's citizens.

cologne 1

I don't really understand why we ever signed this extradition treaty  as it is in this form, probably some mumbo jumbo about the war on terror, which ends up handing the American courts quarte blanche to do what they like to anyone found to be upsetting an American citizen.

Remember that old bloke who was exporting batteries ? the americans  got him when our courts just fell over when asked, he ended up pleading guilty to a minor charge so he could get out of jail and come home, poor sod.He now has a criminal record at the after an unremarkable life at  65.

We aren't so innocent either, how many extraordinary renditions have we been party to over the years?

In the case of that child minder , a few years back, I found it incredible that she seemed to be convicted on a misunderstanding of language, she  said in her statement that she 'popped the baby on the bed, because he was upset' - the defence went on for days about her popping the baby i.e. punching him, as in American slang, and feigned a complete failure to accept that popping some one here means some thing entirely different.

The American justice system stinks, it's far morew a presumption of guilt rather than of innocence, that's why they are so comfortable with plea bargaining, they don't give a toss about innocence as long as  they get their paperwork done.


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