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Mine grows quickly and not only in length, it seems to get thicker too - like a wild bush - and it starts to go curly and I can’t do anything with it.

I keep a tub of hair accessories for my granddaughter and I foresee me raiding it. I’m going to look lovely in flowery/glittery hair clasps.

Last edited by Yogi19
Yogi19 posted:

Mine grows quickly and not only in length, it seems to get thicker too - like a wild bush - and it starts to go curly and I can’t do anything with it.

I keep a tub of hair accessories for my granddaughter and I foresee me raiding it. I’m going to look lovely in flowery/glittery hair clasps.

That I’d like to see Mine used to be thick , and grew like a bush .....but nowadays it’s decidedly thin , so I’m going to look like a scarecrow by the time this is over !

Last edited by Baz
Saint posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I'm shaven headed and I do it once/twice a week with my own Wahl clippers.


Free haircuts forever. 


Never had that image of you  


Kirk Stevens: Canadian snooker player - Biography and Life

I'm currently hovering around a 1980's snooker player Kirk Stevens bouffant 

It's not good 

Having seen the male pattern baldness in my dad, I decided many years ago, that as soon as it started to go, I would regularly shave my head at a number 0/1 level. It's odd now looking at pic of when I had some hair. 


I look not too dissimilar to this...



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

OK - EC looks like a pool ball


I look like the Nolan Sisters



Time for photographic evidence of you own predicament 

Unfortunately, my current employment prevents me from exposing my true identity. 

We know you're covert so the Bruce piccy shall suffice


Same with other FM's - just a similar kinda look from Googlay images will do


I last had my hair done in August last year, for my retiral party. So under normal circumstances I would likely have been to the hairdressers again in January or February, but other more pressing issues had cropped up by then, pushing a visit to the hairdressers back for at least two months. This would normally have been no problem, but by the time the more pressing things had been dealt with, we were in lockdown.

Lets see what my hair looks like come the end of August this year.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Saint posted:
Lori posted:

At lunch today, I did a grocery run for a family I know who are at-risk and therefore can't get out. I was shocked to see that my friend had shaved his head since I saw him earlier this week! 

He said he'd gotten tired of his out-of-control hair, and ordered the shears online.

Holy Cow - bit extreme!!


Saint posted:
Lori posted:

At lunch today, I did a grocery run for a family I know who are at-risk and therefore can't get out. I was shocked to see that my friend had shaved his head since I saw him earlier this week! 

He said he'd gotten tired of his out-of-control hair, and ordered the shears online.

Holy Cow - bit extreme!!

Not half 

Saint posted:
Lori posted:

At lunch today, I did a grocery run for a family I know who are at-risk and therefore can't get out. I was shocked to see that my friend had shaved his head since I saw him earlier this week! 

He said he'd gotten tired of his out-of-control hair, and ordered the shears online.

Holy Cow - bit extreme!!

Yes, but I'm considering asking to borrow the shears.


My hair has reached the thick and unkempt stage and it’s starting to curl.

In a few days time, I won’t be able to get it to sit right.

Hubby asked me to cut his hair yesterday, using hair clippers. I’ve never done it before but it turned out okay...if a bit shorter than when the barber does it.

He offered to do mine but I declined.


Yogi19 posted:

My hair has reached the thick and unkempt stage and it’s starting to curl.

In a few days time, I won’t be able to get it to sit right.

Hubby asked me to cut his hair yesterday, using hair clippers. I’ve never done it before but it turned out okay...if a bit shorter than when the barber does it.

He offered to do mine but I declined.


Smart woman!! 

Lori posted:
Yogi19 posted:

My hair has reached the thick and unkempt stage and it’s starting to curl.

In a few days time, I won’t be able to get it to sit right.

Hubby asked me to cut his hair yesterday, using hair clippers. I’ve never done it before but it turned out okay...if a bit shorter than when the barber does it.

He offered to do mine but I declined.


Smart woman!! 


I have never been to a barbers/hairdressers in my life.  I've always self cut my hair and mostly kept it very short apart from brief periods in the mid-80s when I styled my hair similar to George Micheal (despite hating Wham! but thinking it would be attractive to girls) then I dyed my fringe with peroxide, early 90s when I tried out "The Wonderstuff" look (I don't think it was a 'look' but I just thought, long and curly is cool), then I went for the early 2000s when I just wanted to see how crazy my hair would get if I left it to grow out.   These days, it doesn't really grow that much on top, but I use clippers to keep it short and neat all over.  

Last edited by Carnelian
@Former Member posted:

Well, considering I am blind, I can’t really say, but he seems happy with it! No ears removed, no blood and no bald patches! Trying to work out how to attach a photo so I can show you! 

Wow, very impressive!!

If you click the link that says "Add Attachments", you can upload a photo.

Even if you're on your phone, as soon as you touch the text box, that link will appear.

@Lori posted:

Ah, that might be it.
i can tell you that, once you click in the text box, the "Add Attachments" link shows up in about the same place as you are finding the "Reply With Quote" button, if that helps you?

Helps to know where it should be and sorry to be so obtuse, but there are no links or buttons in that area when I click in the text box. I am using an iPad. The screen reader usually identifies all links, objects and buttons. Did I break Gaga?

@Former Member posted:

Maybe I need to be a VIP to access that feature?

Aha! I just checked, and that's it--it's a Premium feature. Sorry to mislead you--I had forgotten that.

I'm going to PM you with my email address, and you can send it to me via email, if you like. I'm happy to post it on your behalf!

@Lori posted:

Aha! I just checked, and that's it--it's a Premium feature. Sorry to mislead you--I had forgotten that.

I'm going to PM you with my email address, and you can send it to me via email, if you like. I'm happy to post it on your behalf!

Thank you! That’s great! Have sent it to you and I really appreciate you posting it! 


That clip was from a 1954 Indian film called Taxi Driver.

Mala (played by Kalpana Kartik) is a village girl who has come to Mumbai but gets lost,  Mangal (played by Dev Anand) is a taxi driver who comes to her aid when she is being attacked by two thugs. They have to go on the run and he encourages her to dress as a man for her safety (hence the hair cutting). Eventually all ends happily for the two.


In real life, Dev Anand and Kaplana Kartik fell in love during the film and one day, vanished from the film sets and got married. They remained married until he died in 2011.

El Loro

How do you know that?


Your knowledge is out my sphere  

Your reply re Travis Bickle was re that Mohican haircut in Scorcese's Taxi Driver. I found on Youtube the clip I posted which was from an Indian film also called Taxi Driver (as mentioned in the title of the clip) which also had a notable hair cut.


I found the complete film on Youtube. Scanned through it to check that the clip did come from that film. Went on IMDB to check up on that film which is where I got all the information I posted.


So, it's not that I knew anything about the film beforehand, more about doing a bit of research.

El Loro
@Moonie posted:


Roman Centurion helmet is the ‘in look’ Yogi 

Moonie, I’m not convinced 

@Lori posted:

My daughter, who has 3 kids (2 boys aged 14 and 1 girl aged 17) told me yesterday that she tasked the big sister to watch videos on how to cut hair, and then cut the boys' hair. I can hardly wait to hear how this works out. 

Lori, you never know, she might have a talent for hairdressing. Then again.....

Last edited by Yogi19
@Saint posted:

It's all too late - utter mess - washed it last night ... it's gone awry 

Can't even provoke it into a style anymore 


 . . . and at least another 3 months to go  - or more!!!


It's only a matter of time for the scissors i'm afraid (and i'm very afraid)

The way my hair is going I won’t need a haircut in three months just a wash and shine  


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