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I always sing-along-a-Dino when I'm cooking eggs but then I'm easily amused.


How do you like yours (apart from with a kiss, natch)?


I'm very partial to a softly boiled, runny yolk, firm white sort.

I like my scrambled to be just that teensiest bit wet too.

Poached are good as long as the yolk is soft.

Fried are ok and occasionally necessary with a couple of rashers.


I'm only asking 'cos they've got great eggs out here; yolks are deep, deep ochre colour.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Scrambled has to be 'fully cooked' IE 'rubbery'


Soft boiled has to be on the verge of just going over


Fried has to be flipped and the yolk fried hard so as to put it in a sarnie 



hard yolk.... sacrilege 

I guess that's where you and me differ then....even though we're Norveners 

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



exactly the same way to all of yours Cosi, I buy mine from a local free range farmer and most have double yolks 


Son's mate's dad was a farmer and they kept a few chooks - loads of double yolkers!  Still amuses me when I get a double one 


these are massive Cosi, they sell them to local supermarkets too...these are the ones too large to go through the stamping machine. I keep waiting for a dinosaur to pop out when I crack one 

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



exactly the same way to all of yours Cosi, I buy mine from a local free range farmer and most have double yolks 


Son's mate's dad was a farmer and they kept a few chooks - loads of double yolkers!  Still amuses me when I get a double one 

I've had a few double yolkers recently (from the farm shop) ..........I'm like a kid in a sweet shop when I get one. It puts me in a ridiculously good mood

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Scrambled has to be 'fully cooked' IE 'rubbery'


Soft boiled has to be on the verge of just going over


Fried has to be flipped and the yolk fried hard so as to put it in a sarnie 



hard yolk.... sacrilege 

I guess that's where you and me differ then....even though we're Norveners 



eggs sarnie is lovely with soft yolk, white bread and a doorstep of lurpak spread on it now I wonder why I count every bloody calorie 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Scrambled has to be 'fully cooked' IE 'rubbery'


Soft boiled has to be on the verge of just going over


Fried has to be flipped and the yolk fried hard so as to put it in a sarnie 


I prefer to let the yolk seep out into the bread.



I don't mind getting in a mess ....nothing beats the taste of runny egg over soft bread ...........I always have kitchen roll to hand.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Scrambled has to be 'fully cooked' IE 'rubbery'


Soft boiled has to be on the verge of just going over


Fried has to be flipped and the yolk fried hard so as to put it in a sarnie 

Well that's me and you enjoying a brekkie together totally out of the window!     


Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


When it comes to eggs I like to mix it up (no pun intended).


I like them in all their various forms. Tomorrow (because of this thread) I am going to have scrambled.



You MUST sing as you scramble.  It's compulsory 

I will sing the song at the top of the thread. It's upbeat and cheerful.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I don't mind getting in a mess ....nothing beats the taste of runny egg over soft bread ...........I always have kitchen roll to hand.


Yes, yes, YES!  


Fearless in the face of a runny egg is the way forward 

Runny egg is for chips and peas 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I like a soft boiled egg but I can't eat them  IBS is such a pain, every I like makes me ill, down to wearing size 8 clothes because I can't find any food that suits me, I hate eating at the moment 



oh...I have a friend who is exactly the same and she is on new medication...I will ask her Aimee  She's eating stuff that was impossible a few weeks ago 


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