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Morning Both.


Mollie, Great to hear from you, thought it would be a nightmare for you at the mo.

Glad you kept up with BB.

Hope the move goes ok and your internet isn't too far behind.


Emptybox, My new Graphics card came, it id the nVidia GeForce 610 2GB PCI-Express 2.0x16 DVI+HDMI Single Slot Low Profile Video Graphics Card.

It was shipped from the States.


But, i have got new drivers for the card i had and it seems ok.

The one i have is the GeForce 210 but the new drivers are the release 340.52, i had already got some new drivers but the system said there were more.


Not sure what to do now, the new card was ÂĢ70 inc shipping, i'll see if the old one crashes again first.


I ordered the big Micro SD card because the new Dash camera takes Full HD Video front and back which of course takes a lot of space.

Each Camera probably 30MB a minute


Might just have a cup of tea and a couple of the baby pork pies i got yesterday as we will be going at at midday to let the people come for a second visit, well she's bringing her O/H really.


Hi Hicky.

Not bad day here. Sunny all day but a bit windy.


Why did you buy that graphics card from the States? You could have got it for half the price from Amazon, unless I'm missing something?

Or would that one be too wide for the single slot?

(ETA: here's a single slot example not sure if it comes with a low profile bracket though?)

I'm probably answering my own question here, aren't I?


I guess you could put the new one in and keep the old one as a spare, or sell it on ebay. The 210 is maybe worth ÂĢ15.


Pity the Games are over now.

I taped BB and watched the closing ceremony.


Last edited by emptybox

Morning Emptybox.


That Graphics card wouldn't fit, it's a special one for the SFF computer, the one i go is made to fit the Dell and only has the HDMI & Another socket on it like this one.


But it said it would fit my Particular Computer with it being so small, the cards are rather special and the fixing plate is very short.


I don't sell on Ebay anyway, but i don't know whether to swap the cards over, do you think i would gain anything?

I'll have to check what the memory is on the one thats in now, checking on the web it says 1GB so the 640 is 2GB, would that be better for running videos?



Have you seen this old report of Aisleyne with Maria?


Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.


With those low profile graphics cards that have the VGA socket at the top on a separate little lead, you can take off the full height bracket and fit a half-height bracket without the VGA.

However that's a bit of a faff, and some come with the half height bracket in the box and some don't.

So if you've bought one with the bracket fitted, then that's easier. and you know it's going to work.


The 610 is definitely more powerful than the 210. It scores 445 on the video benchmarks, as opposed to 185 for the 210.

(the 210 is in the low to mid chart, the 610 in the high to mid)


Not sure if you'd see much difference in video playing? It'd be more in games that you'd likely see an improvement.


Try playing this youtube video with the settings changed to 1080p (cogwheel icon)

If it plays fullscreen without jerking or stuttering (internet buffering excluded) on the 210, then that's probably all you need, until 4K videos become standard.

If you do get a bit of jerkiness, then the 610 may well make them play smoother.


In my Core 2 Duo machine I've got a Radeon HD 5450 card, which scores 233 in those benchmarks, and I do notice just the slightest jerkiness on those Youtube 1080Ps, but it's not too bad (still watchable).


Another factor is you may have less problem finding up to date drivers for the newer card.


Yes I've seen those Aisleyne pics thanks.

Remember I help update Ash's website. Although we do occasionally miss things. (or her Manager forgets to tell us )

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


I have installed the new graphics card, it only had 2 outputs, DVI & HDMI, it was a single slot thin board, a wide board wouldn't fit in the slot.

I used the second slot plate with the vga socket to block the second slot up, it had a plug on the old board.

The computer found drivers etc, it didn't ask for the CD.


I'll try your link now with the new card, forgot to test it with the old one.


We have the man coming to clean the oven, another couple wanted a second viewing, had to put it off till Wednesday.

A lot of interest.

Over 210 viewed the details from the agent, they have sent out over 100 folders with the pictures in.


At work i upgraded Windows 7 Professional, upgraded to Ultimate because i needed to run some software in Compatibility mode.


Hope Mollie can manage the house move.



Ran the video link, it worked perfect at 1080p, no stutter, very smooth, very pleased.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Glad your graphics card installed and is working OK.


Nice day here, sunny and quite warm. Got a lot of work done.

Grass is greening up, but hasn't started growing too much yet.

Think there's more rain forecast over the next few days though.


Yes Mollie might be her new house now. I think she said the move was on Monday and Tuesday. Hope it went OK.


I see they are messing around with the prize money on BB again.

Not long till the final now. That crept up quickly?

I guess we've then got CBB to look forward.


Quite nice to see Emma get emotional on BOTS about her 250th show. 

I quite liked the cake she got as well.


Morning Emptybox.


The Graphics card seems fine, the puter hasn't hung up with the 3+4 lights on anyway.


Yes, hope Mollie is sorted with the new place, and with her Mum, such a worry.


Not sure what the point od adding ÂĢ10k to the prize money was, unless it's to repay the ÂĢ5k Mark got + maybe another prize for someone else soon.


Haven't watched last nights bbbots, it was on too late when i have work the next day.


we have another viewing this morning, they have been before.


On the new camera i have ordered although both front and rear cams are both full 1080p you can also zoom in on a section, how cool is that?


It's shutdown in the factory here so it's mad busy, contractor wise.

The boss still buys everyone a bacon & egg on toast though.

He orders about 20 a day, 7 days a week, until next Monday when the factory opens again.


Just watching dash cam vids or fitting vids, interesting.


Evening Emptybox.


Had brekkie out, went for fish and chips for lunch.

A couple came to see the house at 6pm, they loved it as well.


Been advised the new camera on it's way, great.


The boss buys all the food for the 2 weeks of shutdown, about 2 bacon and egg on toast a day, 7 days a week.


I like to see the BB money go up, not sure they are allowed to split it anyway, unless BB split it they would have to pay tax on their share if they split it after the show was over.


They could split the extra money over the 100k.


The couple who made a low offer are seeing if they can lift the offer.


Hope Mollie has been ok with her move and can get her broadband back soon.


Hi Hicky.

Not bad day here so I could get some work done.


I was half expecting the roofer guy to have made a start on my roof by now.

Unless he comes tomorrow he'll have to leave it till after all this stormy weather that's been forecast.

I hope he doesn't take the old felt off and leave it unprotected from the rain.


Well the HMs' extra money has disappeared anyway, so they don't have to worry about splitting it now.


I'm sure it won't be long before you get an acceptable offer for your house, with all the interest there's been.


Yes I hope Mollie gets on the internet again soon.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been a strange day here, was expecting rain but it held off somehow, felt a few spots thats all.


A blow about the roofer not coming.


Fitted the new camera's, had some problems with the 64GB SD card, got it to be recognised in the end by ringing the Blackvue supplier, but on testing in the car, after i stopped for some chips the camera said "no SD card", because it talks to you and tells you what it is doing.


I plugged the card into the Blackvue software and up till when it went funny i could play the recording great, very high quality and it tells me the speed i am traveling all the time.


Just got to sort the phone software now.


I had to make a bracket to fit the rear camera but i put the front one with the screen behind the mirror, the mirror just unplugs anyway.


More interest in the house, one couple want to up their offer.


Hope Mollie is coping ok after the move, i dread moving, we are going to leave whatever they want in the house and start again, we can get out into a cheap place for a while.


I have been saying all along to my O/H that we need an intermediate place so we can vacate and then buy a place.




Hi Hicky.

Got something done today, but it was very wet this afternoon. Thunder and lightning.


Didn't get a visit from the roofer, but I got a visit from my landlady bearing a letter informing me of a 10% rent rise. At least now I know why they've made moves to get the things I complained about sorted.


She said the guy will be coming to fix the roof (she didn't say when), and another guy will be coming to look at the windows. So I suppose that's OK.


Pity you are having teething problems with that big capacity SD card.

I know I had problems finding one to work with my phone, but you'd think it would be simpler with up to date equipment?


I suppose it's a good idea to find an intermediate place quickly, once you sell yours? But it would mean having to move twice.


Surprised Winston went tonight, but I think there was a campaign by Chris fans to get him out.

Wasn't really bothered.


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


Not too bad today, some cloud and some sun.


Made a video from a short clip from yesterday, put the clips into Movie Maker and took the sound out as i wanted it for the Blackvue-shop forum, and you can't have it with radio music on it.

I then uploaded it to youtube.

Here, 1st half front vue, second half rear vue, joined together.

Bad lighting though as you will see also the time/date stamp is on the video, with the mph from the GPS unit.


Went out for brekkie, will probably have a BBQ for tea.


Very shocked about Winston, but a lot must have voted to get him out.


I got the 64 gb to work, then the camera said 'no SD card found' will get it sorted.

Have put the 32GB back in for now.


10% rent rise, seems a lot at once.







Lovely sunny day here. Got my grass cut.

Just hope it's not the last good day of the summer, what with this storm supposedly coming.

Perhaps we'll get an Indian summer later in August?


That video is very clear Hicky. It's actually quite entertaining, as you feel you are driving down the road with you.

Must say you are a very smooth and steady driver. No weaving about or anything.


10% is a lot at once, but it's the first rise in 4 years, and the rent is still fairly reasonable compared to other places round here, so I suppose I can't complain. Just as long as she makes the house water tight again by fixing the roof and window promptly.


Not sure who my winner for BB is.

I haven't voted since they kicked Danielle out without a vote, but I might put in a token one vote for the winner. Maybe Christopher?


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


Started off wet, has dried up now though.


I posted that video on the Blackvue Shop Forum so they could see what the Full HD looks like front & rear, this model is new out in this country.


I've had to order a new phone as the Blackvue communication phone app won't load onto a Windows phone so i have ordered a Sony Xperia L Black ÂĢ120, its an android so will run and get the App from Google App Store.


The Victoria plums are ripening, they are massive as well, some big Figs are ripening, same as the Raspberries, but they will be collectable till 1st frost.

Had an apple off the Cox's tree earlier, strange, 1 pip was brown the others white, it says ready in October.

I have apples on 5 trees,


My pear tree is loaded, getting worried about the droop in the branches, the little Asian graft i did has got 4 lovely Asian pears growing well, they of course look like apples as they are that colour and round.


All my new cordon trees are growing well, hopefully i will be able to take them with me when we move.


Hope Mollie is ok with her house move and Mother, be great to have her back, getting connections to broadband isn't easy these days.






Hi Hicky.

Pouring with rain here. Sometimes very heavy.

Got a bit wet loading the car at the supermarket.


What advantage do you get by having the camera app on your phone?


Looks like you've got a lot of fruit ready.

I ate the first of my tomatoes today. Very nice.

But it's the only one that's ripe so far. Got a lot of good size green ones, so hope they ripen OK.


They're having a courtroom task in BB today. Helen and Ashleigh are going head to head accused of causing the divide in the house, with Judge Judi james presiding.

The ex-housemates are being called as witnesses.

Here they are waiting for the task to start.


Yes, it'll be great to eventually get Mollie back, but I imagine she's snowed under at the mo.


Evening Emptybox.


With the Phone App it can communicate with the camera to upload updates or to change settings, it can call a list of the files, select one and play it back.


I've had a couple of Tomato's but there are 6 plants, 3 each in 2 tubs.


There's going to be so many Raspberries, will be freezing some so i can make Jam.


Reading up on the Apples, i have 5 types, all ready September.


They have had some good tasks this year, they must cost a lot to sort out.


We have found out the Lead to power the Blackvue camera system should have wire ends to connect to the power fuse box, they have supplied a normal cigar plug so we can't use the Parking Facility.


I could buy the special unit.


It seems the special lead is only supplied to Korea, or around there.

The problem is still being sorted.


Bed time for me now, bye.


Thanks for the update Olly.

Thought Mollie would be tied up for a while yet.


Hi Hicky.

Been raining all day here. The winds died down a bit now though.


Pity you've found that you can't use the feature of the camera, to record any movement when you're parked.


Don't see the point of doing fake evictions in BB this late. I doubt the HMs believe Helen and Chris really have been evicted.

I suppose it's been done to create a bit of interest for the final week, as there's no actual mid-week eviction?



Evening Emptybox.


It hasn't been bad today, brekkie in gazebo.

Phone arrived at 2pm, went to Vodafone shop in Birkenhead, they couldn't move the phone numbers from the address list over, swapped the number ok to the new phone.

Have still got the old phone so can write down the numbers.


Am trying to download the App now, seems slow, not sure what it is doing.


Had Spag Bol for tea as i've got a bar of the real cheese for a change, just grated it.


I'm considering buying another camera, found this rather exciting one.



A big selection on Ebay:


I like this one:



Evening All.


A pretty wet day here, saw some real heavy rain this morning, it cleared though.


Have got the Blackvue app onto my new phone, got it to talk to the dash cam with WiFi but it couldn't open the video, it's mp4, i downloaded the VLC app, so will try that.


I see the HM's are back in the house again, some ex HM's have been in for a task and had a party in there.


It still looks like Ashleigh to win but a lot can happen by Friday.


Hi Hicky. Pity you've had the rain.

It was a nice sunny day here. Got a lot done.


Would have thought an Android phone should play an MP4 file. Hopefully VLC will. If not try BSPlayer.


Enjoyed watching the vids of the ex-HMs, especially my fave Danielle.


Two good pics of Danielle from today.

The first cos I think she looks pretty in this one.


And the second, because of the funny caption.


Evening Emptybox.


Not too bad a day here, dry anyway.


Had brekkie in Sainsbury's.

Tried the Wifi again to the Camera in the car.

I can select a video file on my phone and tell it to download onto the phone, then open VLC and it plays, had to slow the video down to half speed though as phone too slow.


Went to Costco for a few things, got 3 shirts, was looking at some fantastic TV's wow, one is ÂĢ9k but you can get a beauty for ÂĢ1k.


Been eating Figs and Plums off the tree.


still can't get my phone numbers off my old phone, will go back to the shop tomorrow and see where my old sim is, the numbers are on the phone and i need them on the sim then i might be able to swap them.

The shop couldn't do it the other day though.


Here's Helen and Ashleigh making up.


Hope Mollie is managing ok, and her mum is settled.

Be good to see her back again.


I think Danielle is being careful that she doesn't look to good, with her goody goody act.




The site was down so i copied this an hour earlier.


Hi Hicky.

It's been a horrible day here, really tipping it down. Stupid amount of rain.


Glad you've got the video playing with VLC, and hope you can get your numbers transferred.

If you get them on to your new phone a good tip is to export them  to SD card, and then make a copy on your computer. Then you can import them to any new phone you get.


Yes you can spend an awful lot of money on a super duper ultra HD TV. But the prices will come down quickly.


Yes, Danielle still seems to be playing a bit of her character when she goes back in the house.

But she was displaying plenty of cleavage when she was in the courtroom task.


Morning Emptybox.


Not a bad day here, had brekkie in Birkenhead as i went to get a sim card for my old phone to see if i can transfer the numbers over.

They tried in the shop to do it on Bluetooth but couldn't get them to connect.


Bought Salt fish and Bacon Ribs anyway.


Should be a good BB final tonight, and  CBB starting Monday.


Here is a page i got with some interesting info about the HM's, Kimberleys is good, lovely Girl.



Going to look on the web how io can transfer the numbers on my old phone onto the sim card.

I asked a shop in Birkenhead but they tried and failed, they said Nokia is the problem.


Phheww back at last, and I missed you both.

haven't time to read back, but at least we are sorted online and desptie our new tenancy starting 11 days ago, last night was the 1st night I slept  in the new house, as I couldn't leave mum overnight till then. Was still worried all night Lifeline would ring about mum, but she was ok, thankfully.


So glad to be home in time for the BB final tonight. I will have to watch on a bit of a delay because mum's lifeline people don't start till 9pm, and it takes around 20 mins now to get home. (been doing around 70 miles a day backwards and forwards sharing care of her with carers).


Who do you want to win?


I will be happy to see Ashleigh win.


time to take mum home, hopefully back not too long after BB starts when I have settled her in bed.


Just managed to read back before I take mum home....



oh isn't that just typical.... your LL agrees to do the work, but expects you to pay for it via a 10% rent increase.

and guess what...found out from our agent (who is very nice, helped make sure we got all our deposit back by taking 3 hours for check out!), that our old LL, gave us notice and now intends to paint over the mould, the put it back up for rent, by asking for an extra ÂĢ225 - ÂĢ425 in rent a month! Sheer greed.



gosh it seems you have had a lot of interest in your house. Yes you are in a much better position to buy a place if you are in a rental for a short while, but it does mean a double move. Maybe a chance of renting a furnished place if you are re-placing your stuff might make things easier?


right time to sort mum out and get washing in if I want to watch Bb later. Enjoy the show....


Evening Mollie.


Good to have you back.


Glad your back at yours, it will be a good final.

As you say, Ashleigh may win but there's a lot of support for Helen, she's third at the mo.

Thats a lot of traveling you have been doing, wow,


The buyers seem to be stuck at a price, we were hoping for top notch but will of course have to drop if we can't get what we want.

We have had a few offers , will see what transpires  after the school holidays.


Your idea of going into a rental seems ok except they don't normally have short terms do they?


We were thinking we might be able to go into a travel lodge and pick up the trees later.


We were thinking of not taking 90% of what is in the house, as it is anyone could just move in without doing anything.

What they don't want we can get collected and taken away.


Evening guys.

Lovely to have you back Mollie. Glad you're finally back on the net.

Hopefully you'll be able to get settled in your new house.

But of course you've still got the worry of your Mum.


Yes it's obvious that the rent rise was what prompted my LL into action, after months of doing nothing.

Still no sign of any work being done though, so hope it wasn't just a PR exercise, getting somebody to have a look, but not book any actual work.


Mind you, it's her house, and if she just ignores the leaks and lets water seep into the fabric, then she'll ultimately pay the price of repair, cos I can just walk away if needs be.


Similarly with your old LL; if they just paint over the mould, it'll just come back quickly, and her new tenants will be angry.


My Brother thinks I should be more forceful with her, and insist she does the work, and sees to the damp patches inside before I pay any extra.

But he's a confident, go-ahead sort of a chap, and I'm.....not.


Not bad day here. A little cloudy but quite warm. The grass was wet after yesterday's downpour, but got quite a bit done.


Hi Hicky. Hope you manage to transfer your contacts across.

I suppose the difficulty is that a Windows contacts file is going to be incompatible with an Android file?

Everybody used to keep their contacts on the sim card, but I don't think that's as common now.

I know on my Android phone you can import contacts from a sim card, but not export them to a sim. You can only export them to the SD card.


I would have thought it would be neater for you if you could find a bungalow now, so you could move straight in, rather than expending lots of money staying in a Travelodge for possibly months?

Also not sure a buyer would want you to leave your furniture? They'd likely have their own, unless they were first timers?

Anyway, hope you find a solution that suits.


I was surprised that Helen won tonight, although I find that strangely I don't actually mind.

She did have a bullying side, but had a vulnerable side as well.

Also she's gorgeous to look at.


I gave a couple of votes to Christopher, then when he went I gave a couple to Ashleigh. But i wasn't too bothered who won.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Everyone.


Not too bad today, dry anyway, so far.


Went to the recycle dump with a car load again, so much stuff we can't afford to keep as we won't have room for it all, we have tons of storage space here you see.


Clearing out garage, cupboards, draws, wardrobes, roof storage room, it's never ending.


the Victoria Plums are ready, if one falls off i eat it, but you can walk past and take one off, they are massive.


An apple fell off yesterday, i ate that, they are getting close, took one off another tree this morning to test it, needs another few weeks but it was good.


I want to show more video to another forum, the Blackvue camera one but to put in on there i have to make a youtube video so i was going to see if i can upload the front and back sections separate and then take the link over.

I had to trim the front video in 'Movie Maker' as it was too big for here, only allowed 100mb for an upload.

I'll try it anyway.

They are MP4 files so should play on here, i hope.




Videos (2)
Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Nice going for a Saturday drive with you.

We didn't get far from the big Wilko store though.


I can well imagine that you'll have a lot of stuff to get rid of if/when you move.


Not very nice here very cloudy and windy. Was going to cut some grass, but didn't fancy getting blown about.

Think it's supposed to get worse tomorrow.


Quite nice to have a weekend free of BB, knowing we are going to be back into CBB on Monday.


Hi Emptybox.


Pity about the 100mb limitation on the attachments isn't  it?


Problem is the FHD takes a lot of memory.

The 2 minute file on the front camera was over 150mb so i chopped some off.

It just records in the file sizes i choose, 1 min, 2 or 3min.


Have just downloaded an update for the camera onto my phone, think it's about 6mb, 50,000 mpbs.


Very windy here, dry though, cloudy with sunny spells.

Have got lots of Victoria Plums.

My neighbour went to the Southport Flower show, said my plums  would have got 1st prize.

Stocking up on Raspberries in the freezer, the wind and rain are spoiling them, ok for jam though.


Been giving Figs to my neighbour they love them, plenty ripe just now, he said he would make a Pear dish with some pears, i need to keep taking some off as they get heavier, so many on the tree, gave him about 10.


Can't wait for CBB tomorrow, have you seen this repoert of who may be going in.


Hope Mollie is getting some Me time at last.


Hi Hicky.

Not too bad here. Sunny but very windy.


Sounds like a bumper fruit crop all round.


I hadn't seen the list of CBB celebs, just heard a few rumours.

A very diverse bunch, to say the least? Can't see them all getting on.


I'd heard a rumour that it was the posh couple from Gogglebox going in, but according to that, it's one of the other ones.

Just have to see who actually goes in. There's often last minute replacements.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Hicky.

Thanks for the Kimberley pics. Very nice, if you like that sort of thing. And as it just so happens........


Funny day here. Sunshine and very heavy showers, so I was dodging the rain, but got a bit done.


Seems like your CBB list was correct, with a couple of additions.

Very strange mix, but should be interesting.

Can't stand these stupid launch night twists though.





glad to hear you have had a lot of interest in your home. Yes Emptybox is right, if you sell to a first time buyer, they might like to take the furniture with you. We sold our house to a FTB, and he happily took any of the furniture we could give him.

Could you think of looking at a furnished holiday type let? eg cottage, or holiday flat. It will be the end of the summer season soon, and these sort of places are often glad to let them out a lot cheaper for a period of several weeks or months off season. Might be better than a travelodge, as you would have a lounge/kitchen. We too got rid of loads when we moved, made me wonder where it all came from.

I bet your neighbour will miss you when you go, you spoil him with all the fruit gifts.



yes i agree, strange mix for CBB, I was a bit disappointed that there was no real well known celeb this time. But good to see someone off Gogglebox. I was not happy to see Helen win CBB, too loudmouth and argumentative for me. Would rather of seen Ashleigh win.

How is the workload going now?  Are you up to date? Guess it won't be long now until it is the leaf clearing up time.


Hopefully I am back on the forum as normal again now...but still real busy...amongst all the endless paperwork,  stuff to unpack, washing to catch up with, mum's timetable for carers to sort out, and being responsible for her medication monitoring, I suddenly noticed the dog had big bald patches.   So took her to vet who said she must of had an allergy. I blame the mould in the other house. So she had a steroid injection and steroid tablets and puritin tablets... ones like humans take for hay fever.  So now I have to manage her meds too.

But I did catch a night out for our anniversary on Saturday, we squeezed in a quick meal whilst the carers were with mum.... we went to the chippie cafe, and I had baked beans and chips.   Delicious it was. But after 7pm we did not have a carer for mum, so had to take her with us for our evening out. Luckily she too really enjoyed it, it was a variety night at the theatre, and Jonathon from BGT, Jonathon and Charlotte sang new songs from his album. He was fabulous.

Remember him?


back to watching CBb, been trying to type this whilst watching it.


Originally Posted by emptybox:


But he's a confident, go-ahead sort of a chap, and I'm.....not.



Aaawww, you are so sweet though...

well we can't all be go-ahead and confident, I'm not either.

.....perhaps why our LL walked over us. Fingers crossed our greedy ex LL has a long void now.

Your LL sounds as crafty as mine was, if she doesn't get this work sorted for you now.

Hope she does though.


Hi Mollie.

Not bad day here, but quite cold. Got some grass cut anyway.

I'm a bit behind, because we seem to be having rain every second day at the moment. And the grass is growing again after the dry spell ended, so I have to try to keep on top of it.


Baked beans and chips eh? You really know how to push the boat out for your anniversary, don't you?

Glad you enjoyed the concert.

I hear Charlotte is doing well too (think I follow her on twitter?).


Pity your doggie is ill again. If she's a nervous dog, it might be the stress of the move?


Enjoying CBB, but glad they're finished with that stupid Duchess task now.


Evening Both.


Not too bad a day weatherwise.

Was working though, have to work Friday as well, as a couple of the staff are on Holiday.

Got to work 3 days next week as well.


Going to look at a Bungalow tomorrow, it looks ok on the adverts, on the web.

Was very busy today at work, my direct boss goes on holiday Friday.


Still got a lot of interest in the house, a few offers but it's a matter of trying to get as much as possible to make life easier after the move.


Emptybox, Thought you would like Kimberly.

Did you see the video of Gary, a dreadful accident quite some time ago on his Harley, you should watch it, with Joan Rivers.


I like the HM's also though the twist pointless.


Mollie, We haven't decided on what we would do if we had to get out, but all things are on the table.


As you say, my neighbours aren't too pleased about me moving, but we have to move on, the stairs are becoming more and more of a problem as time passes.


Glad your back on the forum, don't overdo things, just pop in when you have a few minutes.


Strange about the dog, i suppose it could have been the other house, but why now? more than likely something she ate, have you changed anything in her daily food or drink?


Didn't realise it was your anniversary, Happy Anniversary belated.


I remember Jonathon, BGT did him well then.





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