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Another quite frosty night here, but I managed to get out and to the shops. The drive is very slippy, but the roads are better than last week.
The supermarket car-park has been cleared now. They made a big pile of the snow in one corner.
They could easily have done that last week. Still it meant I could get far more stuff in.

I'll have to go out again during the week, because I need to get stamps to post my Christmas cards, and I still need to buy a present for my youngest nephew. I keep asking my brother what i should get for him, but he hasn't come up with anything yet.
Hopefully the weather won't come in again, and I'll be able to get out.
Also I'm waiting on quite a few things to be delivered. Those guitars etc.

Hope you got good weather today Hicky, and were able to get on with your garden?

X-Factor would have been better if Cher was still in, but I'll still watch it. I think you're right. The group is likely to win.

Just made a big pot of stew. I'll put it on a low heat for a couple of hours or so.

I do hope Mollie is seeing some improvement.
Hi Emptybox.

It was Frosty here last night, but it cleared during the day.
Did a bit more on the vines, they are ready now.
Spent a few hours sorting the Wisteria and the Clematis on the Pagola, didn't realise it needed so much work doing.
Should have done it more last year, you need to keep on top of all the growth really.

Glad you can get to the Supermarket, but don't expect the weather to stay like this.
Your leaving it a bit late to get the present for your nephew, it's never easy buying presents, what about a nice voucher, not very personal I know.

Hoping Rebecca wins now, but can't really see anyone beating One Direction.
Hi Hicky. Glad you could get your gardening done. These climbing plants do need to be kept under control, right enough.

It's too late to send away for a present, and be sure it'll get here in time, but I'm hoping my nephew wants a video game or something, that I can get in town. I got my oldest nephew a game, that i sent away for, but that was because my sister-in-law rang me up a while back. the youngest nephew is more tricky seemingly.
I think it's because he asks for a load of rubbish from the Argos catalogue, without thinking about wether he really wants it or not, and my Brother and SiL have to sift through it.

It looks like the early part of the week should be OK weatherwise anyway?
Of course, if I get snowed in again over Christmas, I won't be going anywhere anyway.
Hi Emptybox.

Got loads done, want to get all the jobs done so I can get on with the tubs to be made and the extra decking, will wait till after Christmas for that though.
Still nee a couple of fan fruit trees for my bamboo trellis on the fencing, but it gets very little Sun which is a problem.
Still need my Lad to drill a hole through into the back room, he was working the weekend so couldn't get him.

I see One Direction are not in the Final 2, just Matt and Rebecca.

Hope Rebecca wins.

Hope Mollie is feeling better.
Hi Emptybox.

Matt has had a massive following from the start, I'll show you a load of the results that have been posted on DS.
Too many thought Rebecca was boring and didn't do any dancing.
Looks like I'll be a bit busy at work today so might not be in much, I'll have to see.
Week 1

Mary - 22.28%
Matt - 15.4%
Cher - 10.31%
1D - 10.04%
Aiden - 9.78%
Rebecca - 6.51%
Paije - 5.83%
Treyc - 4.82%
John - 2.46%
Diva Fever - 2.28%
Belle Amie 2.13%
Wagner - 1.91%
Storm - 1.89%
FYD - 1.71%
Katie - 1.55%
Nicolo - 1.36%

Week 2

Matt - 24.39%
Mary - 18.55%
1D - 9.84%
Aiden - 8.82%
Rebecca - 7.99%
Cher - 7.17%
John - 4.5%
Katie - 4.3%
Paije - 3.8%
Treyc - 2.82%
Wagner - 2.47%
Diva Fever - 2.05%
Belle Amie - 1.86%
Storm - 1.44%

Week 3

Matt - 23.97%
Mary - 13.92%
1D - 11.08%
Cher - 9.12%
Rebecca - 8.46%
Aiden - 6.58%
Paije - 6.1%
Katie - 5.95%
Wagner - 4.5%
Belle Amie - 4.15%
John - 3.78%
Treyc - 2.39%

Week 4

Matt - 20.6%
Cher - 19.72%
Mary - 11.98%
1D - 11.79%
Rebecca - 9.79%
Aiden - 6.7%
Paije - 6.22%
Wagner - 4.77%
Treyc - 3.14%
Katie - 2.73%
Belle Amie - 2.56%

Week 5

Matt - 33.41%
Rebecca - 12.8%
1D - 12.13%
Mary - 12.02%
Cher - 7.64%
Aiden - 5.85%
Paije - 5.19%
Wagner - 4.21%
Treyc - 3.53%
Katie - 3.22%

Week 6

Matt - 23.16%
Rebecca - 18.24%
1D - 14.44%
Mary - 10.66%
Cher - 8.88%
Paije - 8.02%
Wagner - 6.3%
Katie - 5.29%
Aiden - 5.01%

Week 7

Matt - 18.44%
Katie - 16.82%
Rebecca - 12.85%
1D - 12.65%
Mary - 11.97%
Wagner - 9.9%
Paije - 9.37%
Cher - 8%

Week 8

Matt - 31.95%
Rebecca - 13.98%
Cher - 13.19%
1D - 11.9%
Mary - 11.29%
Wagner - 10.48%
Katie - 7.21%

Week 9

Matt - 36.84%
Rebecca - 20.22%
1D - 17.38%
Mary - 14.99%
Cher - 11.57%
Didn't do any dancing?? 
Perhaps they thought they were watching the 'Strictly' show instead?

Dull here today, but not particularly frosty.
Just waiting in to see if anything is delivered.

I think I'll get November's accounts done, then maybe go out later to get stamps for my Christmas cards.

My Brothers has finally told me what my nephew wants for Christmas - 'Just Dance 2' for the Wii, so I'll go into Galashiels later in the week to buy that.
My Brother also said that most of the snow has gone, round his way. Everything still white here.

Hope they don't work you too hard Hicky.
Hope Mollie is shaking off that infection.
ello again boys

Molls asked me to update you in here so I've Copied what she said to me. .

still stuck in hospital, breathing and coughing lot better in day (in fact, couging nearly gone), but at night I have to sleep sitting upright, and still choke when I fall off to sleep, so that is why i need to stay in. Infection also better but still have temperature. I just so hope it wont be long till the infection clears up to give me enough lung capacity to go home and wait for the op. I have to do this lung capapctiy machine test again soon, and need to pass before i can go home. failed dismal next time, so hard to do when you are nervous.  

Fingers crossed her breathing improves soon and she can get back home as I know she is missing the kids loads and all the seasons activities too..

will let you know when I hear any more info..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Hi Mount Olympus & Emptybox.

Thanks for the updates on Mollie, it's pretty serious really, at least she sounds a little better that's the main thing.
Hope she can get home soon, thats the last place you want to spend these couple of weeks.
Hope she had got some of her prezzies in.

Strange you haven't had any deliveries, neither have I, hoping for some this week.

Was so busy at work, now got to work tomorrow couldn't get finished today.
Not sure about Wed/Thu/Fri yet.
My lad has drilled the hole into the back room for the cable, was going to sort that tomorrow and the next section of fence light, will have to wait now.
Hi Emptybox.

My extra remote control had arrived today, O/H left the package on a in of paint on the side of the stairs, thought it was some thing of hers.
It works fine as well, great to be able to change the channels from upstairs without lugging the remote around.

Here's Nikki as a princess, video by Bluegroper, thought he lived in Oz, maybe he's over here.
Hi Emptybox.

I was expecting the remote to come, O/H doesn't usually put it where she did, she usually puts post for me on my little table in the back room so I had no idea the little parcel was for me.
It works fine anyway, just put 2 AA batteries in and it was away, they had preset the channel to 5 for me as well.
It's great having my on remote in the Puter room, saves all that running downstairs to see whats on or change the channel.

Thats a big thing for Nikki to do, as you say, Des must have been close to some source of niose, not sure what.

I'm usually off today but it can't be helped, what will be will be.

Hope Mollie is feeling better, I wonder if they let her home, she must be bored to death lying in Hospital.
Hi Hicky. Hope you get a day off tomorrow.

I got one thing delivered in the post, an effects pedal for my guitar, but I'm still waiting for four more things. Three of those are now overdue, but I suppose everything is a bit late for Christmas?

Had fun playing with the effects pedal on my old guitar, but I'm still waiting for the ones I bought recently to arrive.
I was hoping to get into town tomorrow to get my nephew's present, but that'll have to wait, unless I get everything delivered in the morning. I guess I could leave it to the neighbours to take delivery, but they're often all out as well.
There's also the question as to wether the weather closes in later in the week. It's been above freezing here all day, so some more thawing has occurred. 

Tuesday night is a bit dull on TV now.
I'll maybe watch Phil and Kirtie doing Christmas?
Last edited by emptybox
Hi Emptybox.

I'm working tomorrow as well, need the money anyway, have a lot of depts over the Christmas New Year so any extra is handy.
Have to pay money up front before the end of Jan as well, plus a Service for the Car and an MOT

At least you got something delivered then, weather is going to turn nasty later in the week.

I'm going to one of my Lads for tea Friday, we are going to get a Greek or Turkish  takeaway (can't remember which), but as I like all food it doesn't really matter.he's treating me for my Birthday, should be good.

I've just been watching BBC2, and still am, a few good programs on anyway.
Hi Hicky.
Yes, it's a repeat of yesterday for me as well. Waiting in for parcels.
I hear Parcel Force have had a huge backlog, and are still having trouble delivering in Scotland.
Don't know why that should be, as the roads here are fine at the moment?
Just hope they get themselves into gear before it gets bad again.

Another nice day here, with no frost overnight, so more of the snow and ice has gone. I'm begining to be able to see patches of green here and there, in the garden.  
I think the snow is supposed to stay away till the weekend now? 

I had an early night as well. I was in bed soon after 1am.  

Well, hope you have a good day at work.
I'm thinking of Mollie, as always.
I see Stuart was handed his Baggs, on the Apprentice?
(did you see what I did there? )

I got another of my parcels through the post (a second-hand mobile phone), but there's 3 to come.

Strangely the phone was sent second class on Monday, but the 3 missing ones were sent first class last Thursday. Something wrong there surely?  
They seem to be having terrible trouble delivering these things.
Last edited by emptybox
Hi Olly.
Yes! That's great news about Mollie.
She must be very relieved to be back home.
Look forward to hearing from her.

Not a bad day here. No frost again. A bit of snow this morning, but sunny at the moment.

I think the parcel people have given up trying to deliver to Scotland.
I'm certainly fed up to the back teeth in waiting in for things to arrive. It's the downside of buying online I know, but if they've been paid to deliver something they should at least attempt to do so, and not just keep it in a warehouse indefinitely.
The roads round here aren't bad at all at the moment.
BTW I'm aware I'm beginning to sound a little obsessed about this.  
Good afternoon Olly & Emptybox.

Great news about Mollie. Yay, so glad she's home.
Thanks again Olly, much appreciated.
Very cold here, it must be freezing at the Mo.
Very cold all day, started with rain, changed to hail then sleet then snow but only for a few minutes.
Went B&Q for more outside fairy lights, got a 40m long rope lights, now have 2,500 lamps outside, all the way around the garden.

Got another parcel yesterday, only a pair or toenail scissors, tried them this morning, great.

Had a bit of a scare, closed the Puter down last night as windows wanted to finish installing 13 updates.
Went to start up this afternoon and Puter would only boot as far as checking the Floppy drive then stopped with the light on the Floppy.
Tried everything, rebooted over and over, same problem, was going to strip it down and check connections but before that for some reason I unplugged the usb lead to the printer and rebooted and it was OK, wonder what caused that.
I decided to go out at 4pm.

I got some more provisions, did some banking, got my lottery tickets and got a top up voucher for my new mobile phone, so I'm all set if the snow comes tomorrow.
It's going to be a frosty night here, I think?

I still have to get the present for my nephew, but at least I know what I'm getting now.

Hope you are feeling better to be home Mollie.

Hi Hicky. Bet your extra lights look cool.
No idea why the printer USB would cause that? Although USB can cause problems, I don't see why it should suddenly start if all was working before?
Try plugging the printer into another USB port, and see if that makes a difference.
Last edited by emptybox
Good evening Hicky and Emptybox
hope you are both well.
I am home at last.
I missed you both, and I missed my family and my home comforts, and tv too, of course.
but needs must, and I was taken so ill so quickly , being in the hospital was the best place to be to stabalise me.
thanks to Olly for passing messages to you.

I am still exhausted, taking lots of meds , which dope me up, to more than the dope I usually am. I am still being monitored at hospital so have to go back next week to check lung function again.

will take my time reading back here now to see what you have been up to whilst I have been away, I hope you have been good.
Thank you for the lovely get well pictures, they are so nice to see, because I have been feeling a bit down lately, and they cheered me up. It was such a shock to end up in hospital for so long, I am not usually ill like that, and am still feeling off, although a lot better than I was.
They said I probably need an op, to clear the tyroid area, but I have requested they try med treamtnet first, if they can.
I am still taking a lot of stroids, for the infectiion, so hope I dont get man muscles.

I just cant get over the size of those iceicles. How pretty they look, but I bet you are a bit fed up of the cold there now.
I lost track of the weather completely in hosptial. you just wait for the results of one test after another, and the day they say you can go home.

how lovely your house looks all done up for Chrsitmas.
I really like the way we share piccies on here.

time for a bit of a rest for me now, still get tired easily.
I have plenty of tv to catch up with.

have a good night both. xxx
Hi Mollie. Lovely to have you back. We missed you too.
Just take it easy, and maybe you can avoid an op.
It must be great to be back home.

It really was a shock when we found you'd had to go into hospital, because you'd just been speaking on here a day or two before. It must have been even more of a shock for you and your family..

A lot of the snow and ice has gone here, but there's still a few inches on the garden and the fields.

Here's my weather forecast Hicky.
Much colder than for you, but probably less snow?

And hello Mollie.

It was a sunny cold day here as well Hicky. No snow today, but below freezing all day.
It goes without saying that I didn't get any of my parcels.

I've put up my Christmas tree, and a few other decorations.
Can't say I feel at all "Christmassy" yet though.  

Hope you are getting plenty of rest Mollie?
Last edited by emptybox
Good evening both x
it is so good to be back here again.

sorry to hear you are still not getting your parcels.   I heard on the news that there is a huge backlog now.
I am concerned about your oil supply, I heard on the news that oil supplies are becoming in short supply, and there is already a months wait in some areas. Have you ordered yours yet?  Hope so.

We have had about 6 inches of snow round here today, which is very unusual.
Luckily my OH had decided not to go into work today, because I have been feeling  confused and shaky with the meds. I think he would have had a very long journey home if he had.
Yes, it was a big shock ending up being hospitalised from what I orginally thought was a sore throat, but ended up being an emergency.  So horrible too, because when OH went home (he had been up most of the night), I was in hosptial with nothing at all with me. Good job he was able to visit each night though.

any snow there yet?
Sounds like many places are to get it again tommorrow.
was it work , or day off today?

I am starting to get  a bit of an appetite back again at last. So daughter made me some cheesy  pasta, at least that is easy to eat, and filling too. And I did not wake sweating and breathless, so I am improving.

We should of gone to the pantomine today.
When i phoned them a few days ago, and told them the situation about my illness, they said they dont usually, but agreed in the circumstances to give me my money back. So that is good of them.

nearly time for Corrie.
Looking forward to it. I was disappointed to be in hosptial for all the 50th Anniversary Corrie shows, and for the X factor final, but at least I am home before Christmas. They had a tv on the ward, but you couldnt hear it, with a ward of 10 people. and some very sick people.

have a good evening xxx

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