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 hello all I'm looking for a favour or 6!


I was made redundant in June and decided rather than looking for a job that it would be a good idea to start a wee handcraft business.  I knew I wasn't going to make a fortune but I love sewing and being my own boss was something that filled me with happiness 


It has been a wee challenge - there's been so much more to think about than I originally thought!    


What I'm looking for from you guys is some feedback.  I have managed to amass an awesome fabric stash   and have a lot of choice in what to make but time is the significant factor - there's only one of me! ...... I really would appreciate comments, suggestions etc on what you guys think of what I have or could produce in the future that I might be able to sell.  


Pricing is also a problem for me I can't compete with mass produced stuff from China so I have to find a sellable level and do a bit of marketing. Again feedback, suggestions etc would be appreciated.   I have a facebook page and it would help if anyone would care to "Like" it.  You don't have to follow but the Likes would be good.  I can assure you I don't spam with posts of the things I'm struggling with is what to say on it ....putting myself out there isn't something that comes easy   


I have sold some things on ebay but as a new seller i have been limited to listing 10 items a month (although I think I will soon be able to open a shop). Getting the website known is what would be preferable though 'cause the ebay fees add up and I can do discounts and stuff on it!  Website address is  Most of my stuff is on there except for a few things i have on eBay


 I'm not here trying to sell - I know I need to get input from others - a Focus Group!   so it really is help, feedback, advice, suggestions etc I'm looking for.  As a thank you if anyone did want anything I have on the website I can make a special forum 20% off discount code's all done through PayPal I don't see any financial details.   


Sorry for the long post - if you got to the end thanks for reading! 


Replies sorted oldest to newest

trouble with FB is they seem to want to make you pay to promote your stuff these days - spam your friends pages and get them to promote your page is one option. Good friends will or should be willing to help promote you.   Are you on pintrest? If not put your stuff up there.  Create a blog about what you're doing and update regularly - maybe stuff you're doing at the present - get friends to promote it and hopefully you'll get a following and peeps will buy when they see your stuff. Get a twitter account but specifically for your company - tweet links to your products or to your blog if you've just updated.  You could also get instagram and promote your work through there.


Social media really is the way to go to promote yourself especially if you don't have a large budget to play with at the moment.


By the way, I love your stuff 



Firstly let me congratulate you on doing something which you feel very enthusiastic about and also on a well laid out and professional looking website.


Good on you - I would love to be self employed (no cracks about contract killings from other FM's please ).


Unfortunately your area of business is not one I have any knowledge of, but I'm sure you will generate a lot of discussion with other FM's.


Best of luck.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

how about filming a yourself making something and putting it up on youtube or showing something you've made and posting it.  I think you're initially restricted to about 15 minutes but you could show what you've made and talk about what you've done - people then subscribe and you get followers you can also link your blog, website, FB page etc to get customers 


I also know on FB they have ladders where you promote a friends business page and they promote yours - I'll look further into that one for you



my brain hurts 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Pengy:

how about filming a yourself making something and putting it up on youtube or showing something you've made and posting it.  I think you're initially restricted to about 15 minutes but you could show what you've made and talk about what you've done - people then subscribe and you get followers you can also link your blog, website, FB page etc to get customers 


I also know on FB they have ladders where you promote a friends business page and they promote yours - I'll look further into that one for you



my brain hurts 

At least it shows you have a functioning one Pengy

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

how about filming a yourself making something and putting it up on youtube or showing something you've made and posting it.  I think you're initially restricted to about 15 minutes but you could show what you've made and talk about what you've done - people then subscribe and you get followers you can also link your blog, website, FB page etc to get customers 


I also know on FB they have ladders where you promote a friends business page and they promote yours - I'll look further into that one for you



my brain hurts 

At least it shows you have a functioning one Pengy

  my brain is addled at the moment Moons 


The trouble with social media is that it is infested with plagiarists.


People will lift other people's ideas; observations; etc and present them as their own (sometimes solely for the purpose of appearing cleverer than they are or to gain a few more 'followers'). 


You have some lovely stuff on your website.  It would be a shame if others cashed in on your creativity.


Good luck with your project!

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati

 Thank you everybody who has responded .... and to those who've "Liked" my FB page many, many thanks! 


Pengy you should work in Marketing!!   and thank you for sharing my picture that was really kind.   Your suggestions on making the most of Social media are really good, I struggle with that getting it out there stuff..... every time I post on FB my mouth goes dry  and the time that I've found I'm spending on stuff other than sewing is really quite astounding  ......but if you are willing to work for cushions? 


I am hoping that people might comment on specifics ie if you think something looks a bit naff and any suggestion for improving something I've done or if I'm asking too much for a particular thing if you had a look at the website. or if you've seen stuff that you love elsewhere that might prove inspirational .... I can make other stuff than cushion covers for instance I've got some really cool original 1960's Noddy fabric  it's in fabulous condition, not enough to make anything large like curtains, and I just keep looking at it wondering what I can do with it ..... any ideas?



TBH one of the things I've found with doing this is that it's just me ..... and it would be nice to be able to chat about stuff and get some feedback to help keep me on the straight and narrow


Images (1)
  • Noddy
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 Thank you everybody who has responded .... and to those who've "Liked" my FB page many, many thanks! 


Pengy you should work in Marketing!!   and thank you for sharing my picture that was really kind.   Your suggestions on making the most of Social media are really good, I struggle with that getting it out there stuff..... every time I post on FB my mouth goes dry  and the time that I've found I'm spending on stuff other than sewing is really quite astounding  ......but if you are willing to work for cushions? 


I am hoping that people might comment on specifics ie if you think something looks a bit naff and any suggestion for improving something I've done or if I'm asking too much for a particular thing if you had a look at the website. or if you've seen stuff that you love elsewhere that might prove inspirational .... I can make other stuff than cushion covers for instance I've got some really cool original 1960's Noddy fabric  it's in fabulous condition, not enough to make anything large like curtains, and I just keep looking at it wondering what I can do with it ..... any ideas?



TBH one of the things I've found with doing this is that it's just me ..... and it would be nice to be able to chat about stuff and get some feedback to help keep me on the straight and narrow

Hoochie xx.............With your Noddy fabric you could cut out and 'quilt' each picture into patches for cushions covers or frame as pictures, with perhaps an embroidered 'quip' about what was happening in the picture......


The best of luck with your new venture!

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 Thank you everybody who has responded .... and to those who've "Liked" my FB page many, many thanks! 


Pengy you should work in Marketing!!   and thank you for sharing my picture that was really kind.   Your suggestions on making the most of Social media are really good, I struggle with that getting it out there stuff..... every time I post on FB my mouth goes dry  and the time that I've found I'm spending on stuff other than sewing is really quite astounding  ......but if you are willing to work for cushions? 


I am hoping that people might comment on specifics ie if you think something looks a bit naff and any suggestion for improving something I've done or if I'm asking too much for a particular thing if you had a look at the website. or if you've seen stuff that you love elsewhere that might prove inspirational .... I can make other stuff than cushion covers for instance I've got some really cool original 1960's Noddy fabric  it's in fabulous condition, not enough to make anything large like curtains, and I just keep looking at it wondering what I can do with it ..... any ideas?



TBH one of the things I've found with doing this is that it's just me ..... and it would be nice to be able to chat about stuff and get some feedback to help keep me on the straight and narrow

Hoochie xx.............With your Noddy fabric you could cut out and 'quilt' each picture into patches for cushions covers or frame as pictures, with perhaps an embroidered 'quip' about what was happening in the picture......


The best of luck with your new venture!

Just had a thought about 'Copyright' problems with the 'Noddy' thing tho...

Originally Posted by Pengy:

how about filming a yourself making something and putting it up on youtube or showing something you've made and posting it.  I think you're initially restricted to about 15 minutes but you could show what you've made and talk about what you've done - people then subscribe and you get followers you can also link your blog, website, FB page etc to get customers 


I also know on FB they have ladders where you promote a friends business page and they promote yours - I'll look further into that one for you



my brain hurts 

Maybe Rawky could help! 


Your stuff is lovely, Hoochie! I love your style, and the website looks great!


We have etsy over here for things like this. Do you know of it? Is there a UK equivalent?


Hi Hoochie


One thing that people don't mind spending a lot of money on is baby stuff. How about making a range of quilt covers, pram sets, matching mobiles, wall hangings etc. Join Mumsnet ... you might be able to ply your trade there!


I love the Scottish cushions ... there must be a market for them in the tourist trade.



Originally Posted by Lori:


Your stuff is lovely, Hoochie! I love your style, and the website looks great!


We have etsy over here for things like this. Do you know of it? Is there a UK equivalent?

Thank you Lori


I found Etsy last week and tried putting a few things on it ..... I still have to do a header and bits and pieces to make it look as it should.  Everything takes so long!    I really am like a headless chicken atm!

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Hi Hoochie


One thing that people don't mind spending a lot of money on is baby stuff. How about making a range of quilt covers, pram sets, matching mobiles, wall hangings etc. Join Mumsnet ... you might be able to ply your trade there!


I love the Scottish cushions ... there must be a market for them in the tourist trade.



  Thank you Rexi....... I haven't really thought about babies (apart from nagging my daughter that she's getting on a bit!    That's a really interesting proposition, I haven't looked properly at baby stuff for a lot of  years I will have to go and do some research on this ...... sounds good!   

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

 Thank you jenstar and kimota


It's so kind of you all to respond.  My daughter is moving to Dorset to live with her new love on Saturday and it's a huge wrench.  She's been as much of a rock as one drama queen can be for another   for me over the last couple of years and today has been all about her as will tomorrow be.  It's all good but I find myself feeling like a hamster in a gyroscope sometimes

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 Thank you jenstar and kimota


It's so kind of you all to respond.  My daughter is moving to Dorset to live with her new love on Saturday and it's a huge wrench.  She's been as much of a rock as one drama queen can be for another   for me over the last couple of years and today has been all about her as will tomorrow be.  It's all good but I find myself feeling like a hamster in a gyroscope sometimes



*send her my best and I hope she will be wonderfully happy* 

Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 Thank you jenstar and kimota


It's so kind of you all to respond.  My daughter is moving to Dorset to live with her new love on Saturday and it's a huge wrench.  She's been as much of a rock as one drama queen can be for another   for me over the last couple of years and today has been all about her as will tomorrow be.  It's all good but I find myself feeling like a hamster in a gyroscope sometimes

Aww Hoochie  


Like your website Hoochie, and the 'atomic' range.  I wouldn't worry too much about competing with stuff from china ect.  as you are clearly going to appeal to those who like domestically produced, handcrafted things.  Pengy's ideas about using social media are good. Instagram and similar sites are good for building up a profile. If you don't mind putting yourself out there, it can be good to build a more personal relationship with those who buy your stuff, by using You Tube and blogs to communicate your ideas and let people know about the design and manufacture process. A personal touch is always a winner I think.


Get a press release out to all your local media Hoochie. Not so much to sell your products, but to talk about how Redundancy Is The Best Thing That's Ever Happened To Me angle, New Year, New Start kind of thing.


Don't forget to send it to all the local little parish magazine type thingies too, you've more chance of it being published by them.

Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 Thank you guys!


I'm sitting here going quietly mad!!!  I hate ebay! I hate my laptop! I hate Chrome!  I've spent the day trying to set up an ebay shop and gotten NOWHERE! The  are out to get me today and it is so frustrating!

 Aww sorry Hoochie. Tech problems are right pain in the @rse 

Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 Thank you guys!


I'm sitting here going quietly mad!!!  I hate ebay! I hate my laptop! I hate Chrome!  I've spent the day trying to set up an ebay shop and gotten NOWHERE! The  are out to get me today and it is so frustrating!

 How about ignoring Technology and going door to door for a


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