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Right, I have, as some of you are aware, a massive phobia of vomit and I need real help to deal with it. It has come to a head today because I fear that have passed my fear onto my youngest son. He has a sick bug last week and he dealt with it fine, but then he went back to school today and got sent home with belly ache and feeling sick. It turns out he had done a burp that was a bit acidy and he thought he was going to be sick which then led to belly ache cos he was stressed. He also told me he has had nightmare about being sick as well. Ireally don't want him to be as affected as I am by all this so have been spurred on to do something about it.

I have kept the boys off school when a sick bug is about in the hope they will avoid it, I drink pepto bismol like it's going out of production and will actually sweat and shake if people mention that they or someone they know has been unwell. I have left the house when the kids are sick (as long as MrB is with them) and will often sit in the garden crying cos I know I should be comforting them and all I can do is hide. So if anybody has had phoias that they have dealt with successfully, knows someone who has r knows where I can get help, please can they let me know because I can't let this phobia ruin my kids lives as well. I am off to GP to ask them, but would really appreciate some more advice or pointers, please.

Ta muchly xxxxxx

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Mrs B, its funny we've just been discussing this in the bodily functions thread... I had the exact same phobia as you and it sounds like we had the same strong reactions - I felt mine was quite severe phobia. Here is a copy of my post in the other thread:

 it was very gradual for me... i've always had the phobia since I was little, but it was made much worse after someone vomited on the bus when I was going home from work one day. For a while we just talked about stuff then I had to start looking at pictures, then I was supposed to go to videos but that was too much of a leap and it had to be broken down  First, videos small with no sound, then full screen with no sound, then small with sound, and finally full screen with sound... the sound really sets me off, ugh! But it took a while, I was going once a week for a few months, and they give you homework to do in between sessions - it's really worth it though, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone else who is suffering because of it

It has worked wonders for me, though the real 'lightbulb' moment was me realising that the phobia will always be there a bit, but its how I react to it that matters... I know that sounds a bit daft and you want it gone completely but you're just getting rid of the 'run away now, oh god RUN' reaction
Did you ever look into hypnotherapy?

I am going to now! Ditty also said the same thing, so will ask GP if they can refer me or whether I have to do it myself. xx
There are quite a few web sites relating to this - have a look and see if they can help you

Been to a few for emetophobes like me, but didn't like the way they seemed to dwell on things and almost liked being phobic....I don't want it to feel like the be all and end all.....maybe I went to the wrong sites!!! I will try looking again, I just hate the way they seem to build the anxiety rather than calm it though.
MrsB ... have a look in Issy's Bodily Functions thread
Will hunt it out and have a look! Hope my stomach can handle it!!!
You need to ask about Cognitive Therapy. You will gradually be introduced to things relevant to your phobia and eventually become accustomed to facing your fear, until it reduces and you will be able to cope with it. It does take courage, but it really does work.
It really did for me.... the other day I was watching a video clip on Failblog (as you do ) and it was some talk show host or summat, and it showed a member of the audience vomiting into a clear (!) plastic bag.... and I watched it ok. When I say ok, I mean, it was still disgusting but I didn't turn away - I did decline on the super slow motion replay, but I felt that was ok cos most people would Before the therapy I would have closed the whole website, felt really sick and maybe cried a bit
I have left the house when the kids are sick (as long as MrB is with them) and will often sit in the garden crying cos I know I should be comforting them and all I can do is hide.
I understand how you feel, I've done the same thing with my bf - I felt so awful and so guilty cos I felt i should be able to comfort him but I couldn't physically be in the room. That was one of the reasons I did it - I want to be able to comfort any kids I may have... I'm not planning on it but its good to be prepared
You need to ask about Cognitive Therapy. You will gradually be introduced to things relevant to your phobia

I did wonder about this...and then got stressed cos I thought they would stick me in a room with sick people....I can't even handle a hospital ward if there is any hint of sick there....I guess I really need to go and research what this would actually involve with my phobia!! But I will ask GP, thanks xx
oh and forgot to say - all on the NHS

Mrs B, I'm dashing off now, will catch up with this thread later... just want to say, no actual sick people were involved in the therapy It was a very slow gradual process and you can tell them you cant cope with things and they'll think of something else - see my post about breaking down the video clips! Honestly, I can't recommend it highly enough - and I was sceptical at first cos I thought my phobia was too severe to 'fix'

I have always had the fear, though I have no idea why as I was not a sickly child. It got worse when my Grandma died as she spent her last days constantly being sick...and then she was gone. Then when I had the kids, everytime they throw up I just think back to my Grandma and panic sets in. I know that they will be fine after a few hours etc, they have been sick enough! However, when that cloud comes, there is no escaping it. I too can't stand the sounds, the sight or the smell and used to hide under the duvet when my poor neighbour was suffering from morning sickness cos you could hear her through the walls!! I'm not sure how I would handle the video thing either....the thought of it has made me sweat and shake. I just want to be able to deal with it and ge on with living, not consantly on my guard just in case! The school run is a nightmare cos they  talk about the bugs and that. Luckily, I have a couple of good friends who know and will quickly change the subject....but the panic will already be there...and I won't relax for about a fortnight. It sucks and I am so tired of being so worried. Even days out are difficult....I get stressed about being away from home in case one of the boys feels unwell and I can't gethome in time. I am ruining thir childhoods and it isn't fair on them. So thank you for your positve story, I will tlk to my GP about it and will badger tham until I get the help I need.

Congratulations on dealing with your I know it is possible, I feel a bit more positive about it....hope my GP feels the same! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
, no actual sick people were involved in the therapy

*nearly passes out with relief*

Hoping to get docs appt tomorrow.....fingers crossed!

Did you take any meds to help as well?? i only ask cos I was on some a few months ago and they seemed to help a I'm off them again, it's getting worse! They didn't take the fear away, just helped calm me down and that.....more for the anxiety than the fear.
Did you take any meds to help as well?? i only ask cos I was on some a few months ago and they seemed to help a I'm off them again, it's getting worse! They didn't take the fear away, just helped calm me down and that.....more for the anxiety than the fear.
I didn't have any, I wasn't sure what they would suggest when I went in and was willing to try anything at that point! I'm pleased to be of help and if you want to talk more you can PM any time, I found it really helpful to talk to other people who had the phobia to 'compare notes' as it were

I went to get help when it did cos it was starting to take over - what you were saying sounds so familiar! always on guard, avoiding certain places/situations just in case - I did say to the therapist once that waiting for her in the drs waiting room for her made me nervous - all those ill people with potential tummy bugs

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