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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I remember when Spyka (I think it was him) was trying to get car insurance. I think he was getting quotes of ÂĢ2,000 and upwards Eeker

It's madness LL, although I understand that young male drivers are the most risk, but we've got no hope at these prices. Glance

It is mad Blizzie and they wonder why so many are driving around uninsured. Atm mine is about ÂĢ500 and I expect it to go up next month, but god knows how these kids (well the ones that do) can afford to get their cars insured.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by MrsH:
try Endsleigh they worked out the best for my lad ........ if a student they also offer special deals

ÂĢ3449! Frowner

are you using online quote prices only ?? have you tried phoning any of them ??

I found the online qiotes just a guide and once I phoned got sensible prices ........ once you click to buy - even if you dont there are a lot of questions to answer and the price adjusts then ....... not always lower but I do find phoning is better
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by robertsam:
My eighteen year old son got some outrageous quotes.
He moved to my parents in the Isle of Skye and got inurance for ÂĢ500.

Do they want a semi-house-trained 17 year old? Glance

What do you call semi? And I'm afraid I can't help at all other than wishing you luck. When I pass I'm going to have to go on my parents, and as I'm a female it should be much cheaper. Ooooooooh that's an idea, how does he feel about a sex change?
Originally posted by MrsH:

are you using online quote prices only ?? have you tried phoning any of them ??

I found the online qiotes just a guide and once I phoned got sensible prices ........ once you click to buy - even if you dont there are a lot of questions to answer and the price adjusts then ....... not always lower but I do find phoning is better

Yes, I've done both, MrsH.
Originally posted by PuppyDooDoo:
What do you call semi? And I'm afraid I can't help at all other than wishing you luck. When I pass I'm going to have to go on my parents, and as I'm a female it should be much cheaper. Ooooooooh that's an idea, how does he feel about a sex change?


Let's just say that there would be a huge electrolysis bill! Ninja
Thank you all for your help.

The cheapest solution, so far, is transferring the car to my husband's ownership, cancelling his insurance on his car and transferring his no claims bonus to the Rover, then having my son and myself as named drivers. This gets it down to about ÂĢ1500.

Then we have to start up a new policy on hubby's car, with no NCB.

Oh, and all that crap about 70% discounts for NCBs is a lie! Mad
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Thank you all for your help.

The cheapest solution, so far, is transferring the car to my husband's ownership, cancelling his insurance on his car and transferring his no claims bonus to the Rover, then having my son and myself as named drivers. This gets it down to about ÂĢ1500.

Then we have to start up a new policy on hubby's car, with no NCB.

Oh, and all that crap about 70% discounts for NCBs is a lie! Mad

is your Son gonna be the main driver of this vehicle ??

if so be careful as what you are suggesting is now known as "fronting " and most companies are putting a stop to it and can invalidate your policy if you dont declare him as the main driver - if he is only gonna do minimal mileage then this is fine.

Sons first car was a Rover - I had no vehicle insured to me but had full NCD to use as a named driver on OH's policy so I registered the car and insured it with Son as a named driver, passed test and notified them and it didnt change the premium at all - they asked if he would be using the car more and I said yes - evenings and weekends - they said we will honour the policy till renewal but Son must take out his own insurance on the vehicle as he will be classed as the main driver now

They gave him a discount for being a named driver but the price didnt compete with Endsleigh which was just under ÂĢ1000 for TPF+T for a Peugeot 206 with no NCD

This year with his first NCD of a year to use he remained with Endsleigh as they came out tops on his change of vehicle to a Peugeot 306 upgrading to Fully Comp it came out at ÂĢ1250

He is now 19 and I know Lads get loaded and the area you live pushes the price up - I think the only way out TBH is to run a reasonable banger for a year or two until the NCD's start to kick in

I was peeved at the time they said we were fronting but am glad now that we were pushed and he is earning his own NCD

Good luck with whatever you end up doing but watch out for the fronting if your Lad is going to be the main driver - if insurance companies can wriggle in the event of a claim they sure will!!
Blizzie, You should try to watch a reapeat of the first or second episode in the most recent series of Top Gear. (most probably on BBC I player still) They all pretended to be 17 year old first time drivers and tried to get quotes and then buy the cars and insure them for ÂĢ2000 (I think) anyway one car was ÂĢ8000 odd to insure LOL!

However this upset the insurance companies and they tried to defend themselves and explain the reasons why etc. ANY CAR over 1200 cc or 1.2 litre will be expensive. All makes and models have different prices even if they are all the same engine size. Any model that is injection or turbo will be mega expensive as will cars with modifications. They charge higher premiums for the age and condition of cars, the price, the C02 emissions make a difference and taking the pass plus exam can reduce the costs. It will take about ÂĢ70 off your insurance the first year but it gets cheaper each year after as well so is worth the ÂĢ80 it costs to take.

So basically you need to find out which cars are the cheapest to insure and take it from there. I know the small engined VW Polo's (1 litre, 1.2 litre) are reasonable to insure, as a mates son got one and insured it for about ÂĢ900 and he is only 17.

Anyway, good luck Big Grin
Thank you all for help. Valentine

Langster, we bought a Rover 25 for ÂĢ450. It cost another ÂĢ200 to put right, but it's 1.4 litre, so maybe we should sell it and buy a 1.2 litre!

MrsH, I was meant to be the main driver, sadly having to sell my beloved Honda Civic, which I won't get much for! Frowner My son won't need it much, as his school is nearby.

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