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If anyone`s interested, as Lockes said, there`s loads on youtube.

These are some of the best channels....

This one has live court videos and more...just put her name into search.

This one hasn`t updated for a few months but it has interesting videos from the start of the case...

This is quite good as well....

The prosecution are seeking the death penalty. Her defence are fighting that at the moment but have lost most of the motions so far. Her trial is in May 2011. It`s so huge in America, it`s being compared to the OJ Simpson trial.
Reference: Lockes
Scotty is she in court EVERY week day One thing I cant find out is why the trial date is so long away
Lockes, she was in court for 2 days last week (for her death penalty appeal) I think the next hearing for this is in early June.
The trial`s not until next year because apart from the murder charge, she also had cheque fraud charges (found guilty) and she`s being sued by the woman (the nanny that never existed) she named and accused of taking Caylee. There`s a trial for that coming the murder case is now so complicated, both sides need the time to prepare.
Reference: Lockes
Scotty I am getting confused so I am going to write this now before I go to bed, are they saying that there is a chance that kaylees body was moved after casey went jail, as the area was searched and the search recorded by her own Brother and the private investigator
Lockes, the area was searched before she went to prison and nothing was found. The person who eventually found her (Roy Kronk) while Casey was in prison, had previously been doing maintenence work in the area (when she wasn`t in prison) and thought he saw something that looked like a skull. He phoned his boss and another worker and asked them to come and have a look. The area, at the time, was water logged due to flooding so they couldn`t get close to it. His co-workers dismissed it as floating debri and kind of laughed at him. He wasn`t too happy about that so he let it drop for a few days. He then called the police. One lone policeman met him at the site and dismissed it too...without looking properly. (he`s been sacked) When the water receded Kronk went back...and she was there. Her defence are saying that someone must have moved the body to that area (while Casey was in prison) as she wasn`t found on any of the previous searches. They`re saying Kronk was wrong about what he saw first time around. It`s a poor defence because he found her exactly where he had said he saw the skull.

It`s confusing Lockes but I hope that helped.   Oh and another thing...her defence actually tried to lay suspicion on Kronk being the murderer! That, of course, failed miserably.
Last edited by Scotty

Thanks Scotty I am catching up a bit now, I actually only started reading up about it 4 weeks ago, I did know about Kronk, and how they tried to accuse him,

I am going through the police interview tapes now. I have just finished watching Cindy and Georges disposition, my gawd that woman has a chip on her shoulder.

This poor Zanny woman though, I think Casey may have seen her name in the register at the apartments(where she allegedly dropped Caylle of) as Zanny had been to view one there (correct me if I am wrong).

What scares me is the prosecution dont seem to have anything connecting Casey to the crime scene, except maybe evidence that a body was in the boot of the car. There may have been evidence but Cingy washed it (the pants). I shall report back with tomorrow with tonights findings

Morning Lockes  I couldn`t get posting last night. I thought it was my pooter but it was the update.

Anyhoo, Yes Cindy has a big chip. She`s defending Casey at any cost. I feel for her and George because they had an ordinary life before and now they`ve dragged into this nightmare by their daughter. I think, deep down, they know what she`s done but they`ll never admit it.

You`re right about Zanny

As far as I know they have mainly circumstantial evidence against Casey. Cindy did wash her pants but if remember correctly there was talk of other forensic evidence re what was in the boot of the car. (and it wasn`t rotting ridiculous was that from Cindy?)

Kronk became a suspect due to the defence trying to divert the blame away from Casey.
So because he found her, they`ve made him look dodgy...which was what they wanted. I mean, when you look at Casey`s story about Zanny..not reporting Caylee missing..saying she`d spoken to Caylee (she was dead) on the telephone the day Cindy reported her missing etc etc. It all points to her. Kronk didn`t even know Casey. I don`t think for a minute he has anything to do with it. The defence are desperate.
..saying she`d spoken to Caylee (she was dead) on the telephone
Totally forgot about this Scotty. You are so right. I get the feeling that George and Cindy have now come to the conclusion that there grandaughter has gone and there is nothing they can do to change that so they are standing by Casey no matter what. To be fair to them it must have took a lot of guts to do that seeing how much the media are against the whole family. But the latest release of the prison letters and the accusations that casey was sexual abused much be a lot for them to take. I myself dont beleive she was abused because TBH she is a compulsive liar
Can`t quote but what Lockes said Bojangles.

Lockes, you`re so right about Cindy and George. He said, now they`ve lost Caylee  they don`t want to lose Casey too. They`re standing by her no matter what...brave people. It`s made them hate figures because of it and because of the way they`re lying now..and they are lying. They`re stories have changed since the original police interviews. Casey has seemingly been a compulsive liar all of her life. Just one example..she called her best friend and cancelled giving her a run to the airport saying her grandfather had a stroke...he hadn`t.  She`s been branded a sociopath. Google`s like reading about her. The sexual abuse accusations are just another one of her incredible lies. Poor George.  As you say, it must be hard for them to take. I believe she`s said this incase she`s found will be part of her defence team`s reason for her not giving her the death penalty. She was abused and that`s why she`s turned out the way she has, type of defence. There`s nothing much new of youtube atm..just the expenses requests from her defence team. I don`t know the date yet Lockes but her next death penalty hearing is in June.

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