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â™Ĩâ™ĨPinkaliciousâ™Ĩâ™Ĩ offline 4944 Forum Posts Today at 01:53 (Edited: ) Essie lovely to see you and glad that you sound so positive
I hope you are the Pink babe I think I'm replying to, I don't recognize the Avvy or name the Pinkalicious, but if you are the the lovely lady with the Greyhounds, I thank you , you lovely lady, I thank you for my Christmas greeting on my wall, I tried to reply on your wall, but it wouldn't let me.
Just loads of chocolate then?
If you're referring to my gift to Essie... it was something that would completely outclass Mr Essie's gift arriving on the 12th... something Monet related I believe. Personally, I suspect he made a speech typo of some sort, and it's a cheque to buy a day at a spa or something unoriginal like that... 'Darling, here's some monet for you  to spend as you like'.
IF and I say IF Mr Essie has bought me a present which I remotely wanted, I will be a 'Monkey's Uncle'
Hmm... you've posted yet another conundrum. As I know, you are a bird, right... so, it is impossible for you to be an uncle of any sort... so... you already know it will be an unwanted prezzie... but what if it is?!  
This is a philosophical nightmare!

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