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I see that The Telegraph (that I was reading in the doctor's surgery this morning because it is free there which suits me just fine although paying for my prescription did not cheer me up, but I digress from my great news) has offered us a chance that the lovely Sally Bercow may be in the CBB house.


She would do a great deal to bring respectability and morality back to the house.  Provided she did not get the private bedroom, and certainly not one overlooking or underlooking Big Ben of course. 


I think she is my favourite already.  Charm, wit and talent personified, just like this happy band. 


Anyone want anything at ASDA, I am off for a BOGOF check 

Tags: Sally Bercow, BOGOF, CBB

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Originally Posted by squiggle:

She's going to get on people's last nerve I reckon, is that a good thing or a bad thing

Yes, she does tend, from what i have seen of her, to possess that quality! Not that keen on women who make a career out of who their husbands are, to be honest. From what i have seen of the line up, we shall all need some nerve tabs 


Kerry Katona and her druggie mum Sue Katona for Celebrity Big Brother 2011?

Channel 5 have reportedly not only signed troubled mum of four Kerry Katona for their new series of Celebrity Big Brother, but they’re bringing her unpredictable mum Sue on board too.

Insiders say that both Katonas will be on the reality TV show when it launches on Five next month and that producers are hoping they will be as big a ratings draw as Jade Goody and her crazy mum Jackiey Budden.


Kerry blames many of her mental problems on her mum and her upbringing and has previously revealed that her mum introduced her to illegal drugs when she was still just a child.

Both women lack any sort of filter and say exactly what they think and are famed for their turbulent relationship, so channel bosses are hoping sparks will fly when they are cooped up in a small house together.

An insider told The Sunday People:

“Kerry is very ­outspoken and so is Sue so there is bound to be a lot of friction between them in the house.

“Theirs is not a typical mother and daughter relationship – it is very volatile and will make great TV.”

Kerry is thought to have been offered ÂĢ285,000 for a stint in the famous house and the insider added:

“Sue is ­currently thinking it over but it’s fair to say she tempted, especially as she needs the money – just like Kerry.

“When Kerry first heard they had asked her mum she thought it would be a nightmare but now she thinks it could work out well for both of them.”

Kerry’s one worry is that after seeing her for 24 hours a day, the public will end up hating her even more, especially when they see how useless she is at looking after herself.

A source added: “Kerry is ­worried because she can’t cook or clean and so won’t be able to pull her weight, which won’t go down well with her housemates. She is also nervous because the public will see what a scruff she really is.”

We think her going in is a real double edged sword. It’ll make great car crash Tv and we certainly won’t be missing an episode, but for her, we think it would be a mistake of epic proportions. Kerry is even more unhinged than Jade Goody and look how it turned out when she went in with her mum.

We’d advise both Kerry and Sue Katona to steer clear, but somehow we just know they won’t!


Speaking of K Katona, it could be that her only purpose in life now is to serve as a warning to others. She was very convincing when she worked in Iceland though.  I remember her telling us all about the ring of prawns one Christmas, I bought one and I don't even like the nasty things, but 1000 Island Dressing can hide a multitude of tastes and smells. 


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