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Syd posted:
Kaytee posted:
Syd posted:

I made Rock cakes today, took me 15 minutes, and 20 to bake......I created a winner.

Not had a rock cake for years

Easy to make and great with a cup of tea for tea.....

My mother used to bake them, and  I don't bake these days because the OH is diabetic and so I keep temptation away from the grumpy git

Yogi19 posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Kaytee posted:

Poor Asian guy, he's having a mare

Yes ....and Benjamina  

Let's hope Val bombs in this round too, otherwise Rav and Benjamina are in big trouble.

I'm hoping Rav bombs because he has been poor in previous shows (at the bottom) so deserves to go based on his lack of improvement and poor bakes. 


Go Rav.


That's go home Rav. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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