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The guy is a good friend of the DJ's He said not to worry he wasn't some kind of wierdo i giggled and said he would say that. Even wierdos dont admit to being wierd Its not very often i get walked home. Most of the time the drunken fools that are adamant there going to walk me home after work cant even stand up by the time 4:00am comes. He seemed a nice guy, but hes not my type and hes ten years older so i think if i see him tomorrow ill just let him know im not intrested.

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Just to explain my assuming he was intrested in me. Firstly he was inviting me on days out etc and wanted to know if i fancied meeting up sometime and he said he would take me for a ride on the back of his bike. Also the bar i work in closes at 3am. Once the bar is closed the barmaids clean the pub from top to bottom which can take 1-2 hours. The bouncers do not allow anyone in the pub at that time unless pre organised meaning this guy had to wait at least an hour outside as everywhere else in town closes at 3 or before, in order to walk me hope. Call me cynical but i had already told him i was more than capable of walking myself home and also that one of the other barmaids was also going my way so i would be perfectly safe. Why else would he of wanted to walk me home? Im not big headed and i dont just assume everyone that is nice is trying to pull me. But i have been working in this pub over 2 years and i am aware when someone is showing a intrest and when someone is just being friendly.

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