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 I had 4 small goldfish for 2 years, all seemingly healthy and well and then today, all of a sudden all 4 of them have died!  I kept them in a large enough tank with a filter and cleaned it regularly, the last time being last Thursday and I always use Tapsafe to get rid of the chlorine. Nothing was different apart from the brand of food which I started feeding them about a week ago.  Just wondering if anyone has any clues as to what could have happened.  Nothing was sprayed near them or anything so its not that. 

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sorry to hear that Bolton fan, I kept fish for years and you have to be careful with their food.



were they swimming strangely, that is a classic sign of Swim Bladder 


  • Have you changed their diet?
  • changes in diet and increase in protein can cause constipation and digestive problems. Common example is Swim Bladder



Swim Bladder Disorder refers to issues affecting the swim bladder, rather than a single disease. Although most commonly seen in Goldfish and Bettas, it can strike virtually any species of fish. In this disorder, the swim bladder does not function normally due to disease, physical defects, or mechanical / environmental factors. Affected fish will exhibit problems with buoyancy. Interestingly enough, not all fish possess a swim bladder, most notably sharks and rays.


  • Fish sinks to the bottom, struggles to rise up
  • Fish floats to the top, often upside-down
  • Swims with tail higher than head (Note: this is normal in headstanders)
  • Swollen belly
  • Fish may have curved spine

Fish suffering from Swim Bladder Disorder exhibit a variety of symptoms that primarily involve buoyancy, including: floating upside down, sinking to the bottom of the tank, standing on their head, or struggling to maintain a normal upright position.

Other physical signs such as a distended belly or curved back may also be present. Affected fish may eat normally, or have no appetite at all. If severe buoyancy problems exist, the fish may not be able feed normally or even reach the surface of the water.


  • Compression from surrounding organs, such as:
    Enlarged stomach from overeating, or gulping too much air
    Enlarged intestine, due to constipation
    Enlarged liver, generally due to fatty deposits
    Enlarged kidney, generally due to cysts
    Egg impaction in females
  • Bacterial or parasitic infection
  • Mechanical injury from fall or other hard blow
  • Birth defect
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

They seemed the same as normal and swimming around like they usually do which is why it's so strange.  The food had an expiry date of 2017 but I did notice it seemed different to the other brand. I never thought for one minute it could actually kill them by getting a different sort!



I'm sure you didn't Bolton  it's happened to me loads of times and even after buying medication I've never actually saved one with Swim Bladder disease 

Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:


 I had 4 small goldfish for 2 years, all seemingly healthy and well and then today, all of a sudden all 4 of them have died!  I kept them in a large enough tank with a filter and cleaned it regularly, the last time being last Thursday and I always use Tapsafe to get rid of the chlorine. Nothing was different apart from the brand of food which I started feeding them about a week ago.  Just wondering if anyone has any clues as to what could have happened.  Nothing was sprayed near them or anything so its not that. 

Awww sorry about that Bolton I do know you have to be careful with food though 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Bolton Fan:

They seemed the same as normal and swimming around like they usually do which is why it's so strange.  The food had an expiry date of 2017 but I did notice it seemed different to the other brand. I never thought for one minute it could actually kill them by getting a different sort!



I'm sure you didn't Bolton  it's happened to me loads of times and even after buying medication I've never actually saved one with Swim Bladder disease 


Yeah, I've been a complete disaster with both cold and tropical fish over the years.  Finally gave up for good when a black mollie exploded on giving birth..!


I'm sorry you lost all your goldfish, Bolton Fan  

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:


Yeah, I've been a complete disaster with both cold and tropical fish over the years.  Finally gave up for good when a black mollie exploded on giving birth..!


I'm sorry you lost all your goldfish, Bolton Fan  


now I've not had that happen before..  I do like black Mollies favourites are Krebensis, love the colour when the are mating... 


i used to be with this girl...& her mom & younger bro went on holiday & GF had to feed his goldfish which he loved

anyway i moved the bowl into her bedroom cos it was easier to get to so it could get fed

and yes it died

anyway we panicked & legged it to pet shop

i had the dead goldfish in my pocket & showed bloke & asked for identical one

its amazing how much they look alike


what im asking is did you move the tank?

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

i used to be with this girl...& her mom & younger bro went on holiday & GF had to feed his goldfish which he loved

anyway i moved the bowl into her bedroom cos it was easier to get to so it could get fed

and yes it died

anyway we panicked & legged it to pet shop

i had the dead goldfish in my pocket & showed bloke & asked for identical one

its amazing how much they look alike


what im asking is did you move the tank?


Bolton Fan

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