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We all leave yaz to it in ya little Ricky Whittle thread (don't think we didn't notice), but oh no when we have a thread, yaz all come marching in giving your 2 pennys worth
I know I didn't comment in the Ricky thread, so I'm coming at this from a personal view. I really wish that you could be a litle bit more sophisticated and grown up.. Alas you can't. If it's not Cheryl, anything is fancyable. What a loser.
cologne 1
yaz all come marching in giving your 2 pennys worth
Oh wind ya neck in. If you posted this on a male dominated forum then you could expect the responses you seek, but seeing as the median ratio of this place probably equals 1 man to every 25 women then what do you expect. PLUS I reserve my right to critique as I please!
Actually, Rochelle's shoes are rank too. White heels (especially teamed with white lace leggings WTF?) just scream 'a can of Stella and I'm anyones just fell outta the pub' kinda bird to me. Even though they're front platformed they still ming. #STYLISTFAIL (IMO)
They look like pyjama bottoms that don't fit properly to me.

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