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Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
cantona......great player
I didn't rate him much as a player and I didn't like him at all, but he did turn United from also rans into League Winners year in and year out. I was baffled when Fergie bought him from Leeds, but this is why Fergie is one of the best at what his does,  Fergie's  behaviour at times is a joke, but his record as a manager will never be beaten,
i'd agree with that rzb........his record speaks for itself.......but it's the constant whining when utd lose,the constant blaming everyone else...usually the officials, that grates my cheese...........everyone else should be sent off if they commit a bad challenge.....but rooney elbows someone and not a peep...he didn't even say something like 'he was lucky not to be red carded for that'.

time and time again he slates ref's and gets off scot's a joke
Yep, an A-Sample provided by him was tested positive and has been suspended so far.

This morning Wenger has come out and said Kolo was on diet pills because he was having problems with his mate. the question is, how long will he be banned for? He will probably get banned for 3-6 months. I think the only way he will get off with a warning is if he can prove it entered his body without him knowing. he cant prove that because hes admitted (according to wenger) to taking them to control his weight.

You can probably imagine what fickle United fans are like. "Ban him for life... wio got 8 months for missing a test". What they don't realise is that missing a test is probably worse... why put it off? What has the player got to hide?
well exactly regarding can you just 'forget' to take the test.??........i guess if toure was taking these diet pills at arsenal he must've been tested before....well you'd think so anyway!......i guess if he can prove he didn't know what he was doing was wrong there must be a chance of a shorter sentence........he's obviously been taking them a while as he's been at city a couple of years

i wonder if wenger has shot himself in the foot by saying he knew toure took them at arsenal?...cos if they are a banned substance and wenger knew he was taking them then surely wenger has to be questioned too?
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:
but it's the constant whining when utd lose,the constant blaming everyone else...usually the officials, that grates my cheese...........
it's is a joke, but it seems to me , the further up the Premeirship you climb, the more bull shit the manager comes out with. Do any manager really see it like the fans see it, If they see anything at all...."coughs" Wenger....Some times it's like one big wind up,
Stephen Ireland apparently said that Birmingham is a crap city.

Well Fergie is actually the most charged manager due to his constant scrappings with the FA, yeah he's got away with things before and he is not the only manager to have done so but they have been accused of bias etc, truth is they actually don't have any backbone. They soon backed down regarding trying to force him in talking to the BBC too.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Hi all. Just got our phone and internet back after a week.
There was a leak from a water main outside and the twonks who spent two weeks digging it up, supposedly sorting it out only to dig it up again managed to destroy the phone cables into our block of flats. Result was no working phone line until they finished repairing it today.
Added to which out toilet is not flushing so we are having to flush it with buckets of water as the council don't deem it an emergency repair and won't be out until Tuesday pm. Oh and the washing machines broken down. It never rains but it pours eh?

Wasn't surprised with what happened in the CC final except to say that I owe Mike Dean an apology as I though he would favour them. Turns out it was the other way around. Sczesny had a mare from start to finish. He has the potential to be a really great gk but must talk to the defence. He has clattered 3 of our players this season by going for the same ball as them as he didn't give them a shout.
Nice to see how much Arsenal losing made all of you so happy. Anyone would have thought we were a violent Stokelike team who'd bought our success - or lack of it recently - judging by how much everyone wanted to legbreakers of Birmingham to win
Stephen Ireland does seem to be an arrogant tosspot of the highest order RR.

As for Kolo Toure - where has this rumour come from that he was taking drugs at Arsenal and AW knew about it? Talk about being misquoted.
   AW said that after the story broke he spoke on the phone to Kolo as he was so surprised being that Kolo is a strict Muslim family man. Kolo told him that he was worried about his weight and so had taken one of his wives slimming pills. Now I don't know if Kolo is being truthful or not, at the very least he should have realised that taking any kind of meds without clearing it with the team doctors first could lead to serious problems. But it is quite in keeping with the way AW is as a man that he would call an ex player to talk to him. Most Arsenal players - and Monaco too like Glenn Hoddle - will tell you that he keeps in touch with them and has an excellent relationship with most of his ex players. Martin Keown has spoken on several occasions about this.
Originally Posted by Dave Was In A Cave:
Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):
Stephen Ireland apparently said that Birmingham is a crap city.
Well, he has a point, doesn't he?
No because theres plenty to do there, i'm bias anyway but if some do think that then fair enough... I would have thought he would have fitted in considering there's the Irish contigent in Brum but obviously not!
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I'd like Wigan to stay up, along with West Ham and West Brom - they may have defensive frailties but at least they try to play football as do Blackpool.
I'd love Birmingham and Stoke to go down.
We were pants today but it wasn't helped by Arshavin being blatantly onside and given as off. This is the time when our multiple injuries cause the wheels to come off our season yet again. What I wouldn't give for the majority of our made of glass players to stay fit for the vast part of the season

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