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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I think Savage is a dickhead.

  Say it like it is! 

What annoyed me Savages comment was if we had gone in a 0-0 he would never have made that comment. The game is not over and what if we turn it round and win 3-1, his comment is redundant then.


Gareth Bale....

Over rated...

Over inflated transfer fee...

Media savvy, zero....


You don't go shooting your mouth off saying the opposition lack passion, they may but saying such things is like a red rag to a bull, even if bulls are colour blind  and then go and lose to said slagged off team 


Passionless England 2-1 "the Mouth" 


I am not having a go at The Welsh or their supporters, who have behaved in an exemplary manner, just "the Mouth" 

*edges bets but still waits for the flack from my Welsh friends* 


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