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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

I want a cuppa, someone go make me one please?

I've not eaten yet or done the ironing or washed the pots. Now that Portugal have taken the lead I may do some chores.

Yes the goal was my cue to get my pasta sauce going on the hob....done and now I'm back and its the end of the first half

Amythist posted:

Just read that Ronaldo refused to shake the hands of the Icelandic players because they played defensively in a "small mentality"

what a nob

I heard him say as much on the radio too Amythist 

If he is as good as they say he is, then he should have found a way to unlock their defence. Just an excuse for not getting three points. Bah humbug 


Amythist posted:

Just read that Ronaldo refused to shake the hands of the Icelandic players because they played defensively in a "small mentality"

what a nob


Yes, he is adding to the already growing list of reasons why I don't like the smarmy little git. I thought his sour grapes comments were ungracious and disrespectful of Iceland.


I wonder why he did not criticise his own performance - after all, he did not manage to still the ball in the back of the net, the nob!




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

I've missed the first half hour. How's it gone? 

I was sat on the last page 

You not missed much, a good chance for Albania, but not much really.


Hiya Sprout & Velvet. 

Spot the wally! 


I've just been up the street to the shop and a black cat crossed my path on the way back! 

Last edited by Former Member
Sprout posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

I've missed the first half hour. How's it gone? 

I was sat on the last page 

You not missed much, a good chance for Albania, but not much really.


Hiya Sprout & Velvet. 

Spot the wally! 


I've just been up the street to the shop and a black cat crossed my path on the way back! 

Sunderland fan?

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Sprout posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

Spot the wally! 

I've just been up the street to the shop and a black cat crossed my path on the way back! 

Sunderland fan?

Nah, it would've had to have red somewhere too but don't mention 'those' in my presence 

I have a similar reaction to those in red across the other side of my city. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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