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Amythist posted:

Just read that Ronaldo refused to shake the hands of the Icelandic players because they played defensively in a "small mentality"

what a nob

I heard him say as much on the radio too Amythist 

If he is as good as they say he is, then he should have found a way to unlock their defence. Just an excuse for not getting three points. Bah humbug 


Amythist posted:

Just read that Ronaldo refused to shake the hands of the Icelandic players because they played defensively in a "small mentality"

what a nob


Yes, he is adding to the already growing list of reasons why I don't like the smarmy little git. I thought his sour grapes comments were ungracious and disrespectful of Iceland.


I wonder why he did not criticise his own performance - after all, he did not manage to still the ball in the back of the net, the nob!




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Sprout posted:

I've missed the first half hour. How's it gone? 

I was sat on the last page 

You not missed much, a good chance for Albania, but not much really.


Hiya Sprout & Velvet. 

Spot the wally! 


I've just been up the street to the shop and a black cat crossed my path on the way back! 

Last edited by Former Member

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