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Is it just me, or is it a huge irony that the anti - racists amongst us have declared Ukraine to be a hot bed of Racist thuggery?


It xenohpbia run riot.


Has anyone here been to the Ukraine? is the whole nation uncivilised and backward?


I find that quite hard to believe tbh.


Mind you ,having watched the trailer for the  documentary scheduled for tonight, if I were brown or black, I'd think twice before going.




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It looked nasty on the trailer I saw, and can well believe it will put many off every going naywhere near Ukraine.


But the rational part of me says, that's  rather like our home grown football thugs being plastered all over the news , beating people up and  kicking the shit out of anyone in their way, and then applying that behaviour to the whole of the English , when  the majority of the English were deeply ashamed of  the thugs.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:



But the rational part of me says, that's  rather like our home grown football thugs being plastered all over the news , beating people up and  kicking the shit out of anyone in their way, and then applying that behaviour to the whole of the English , when  the majority of the English were deeply ashamed of  the thugs.

That's probably the more accurate version, because I'm pretty sure while some of the population of the Ukraine are indeed football thugs, the rest will be far too busy making porn movies to have time for any football thuggery. 


As someone who had a Ukrainian partner and has a few Ukrainian friends, I am probably better placed than most to comment. The Ukrainian people I know or have met  were certainly not racist, but do tend to be more conservative in their attitudes than a similar British person.

When I went to Ukraine, my girlfriend was as bemused as I was by the 'White Power' graffiti we spotted in her local town. It was particularly bizarre as there were no non-whites living in the area and I saw very few even in the capital Kiev. My understanding is that disenfranchised young men are drawn to  nationalism (just as some are in this country) and in ex-Soviet countries many long for the authoritarianism of communism, but as this is now officially dead, they have turned to fascism instead, forming links and adopting the ideology and slogans of the Western-European far-right.


I just watched the programme, some horrendous stuff... it happens in alot of places around Europe, but some are better at dealing with or controlling it than others. That nonsense with fans fighting at the end wouldn't happen over here or some of the major countries around Europe, police are good at keeping that stuff at a low.... from what i've read, Ukraine are not good at dealing with it. But hey, that's Sepp Blatter for you


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