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Seen any good Films lately?


At the cinema? On DVD? On TV? On...err....VHS?


I saw 'Warrior' last week at the cinema. AMAZING FILM! I think its in the running for some Oscars. Its about a UFC Fighting tournament, which i know nothing nor care about anyway, but the story is so good. Well acted, and quite emotional. Highly recommend it.


I also watched 'Frozen' the other week on DVD. That was very good too. About 3 people who get stuck on a Ski Lift, and left there. Pretty tense film, had one scene which nearly made my balls go up into my stomach from wincing 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:



I also watched 'Frozen' the other week on DVD. That was very good too. About 3 people who get stuck on a Ski Lift, and left there. Pretty tense film, had one scene which nearly made my balls go up into my stomach from wincing 

Ohhh, that sounds like my sort of film Rawky - I shall look out for it.


I'm not good at films - I usually fall asleep I went to the cinema last week, first time since Slumdog, and saw Tinker Tailor etc. That was quite good - Gary Oldman was amazing.


I can't wait to see We Must Talk About Kevin


The only time I ever go to the cinema is with the kids.  I am way too excited about seeing The Lion King in 3d next week, the kids aren't fussed but it's a special film for me because 1) It was the first time I'd been to the 'cinema'  2) I was in America at the time and 3) It was a drive-in!!  I was amazed, I was only a kid but it was one of the most exciting parts of my trip.


I'm off to the cinema this week with my best mate and nothing looks any good

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I saw 'Warrior' last week at the cinema. AMAZING FILM! I think its in the running for some Oscars. Its about a UFC Fighting tournament, which i know nothing nor care about anyway, but the story is so good. Well acted, and quite emotional. Highly recommend it.

I've read some extremely good reviews of this. I haven't had a lot of free time for cinema-going recently, but I'm hoping to see it at the weekend.

Eugene's Lair

Ooooh and . . . SUCKER PUNCH


Quite a strange movie - kinda Sin City feel to it. Dark n brooding.

Wrongly imprisoned girl attempts to escape the wall of the prison using her imagination

Cue amazing fight scenes and imaginary worlds with one hell of an amzing sound track!!!


Bizarre but a must on Blu-ray together with headphones cranked up to ten

Originally Posted by Renton:

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch "I am number four"


its amazing - the new teen sesnsation plus 4 books to go with it, better Twilight (but nothing like Twilight) if you get me


its fantasy adventure milarkey with aliens and feelings - MEGA!!!

I have heard this is good from my friend, but someone I know who read the book first said that the fil is shit compared to the book.  So I shall watch the film first.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I saw x-men origins, wolverine last week. I enjoyed that I also saw the goonies on Sunday, always a winner!

I enjoyed both of them recently too. I watched the Star Trek film which was on 4 this evening and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. For anyone who didn't see it, it's the one where they get young actors to play the original cast and tell how they all met.

Very good

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I'm going through a phase of re-watching films from the 1980's; over the past couple of months i have watched the following:


Die Hard

The Abyss

Bull Durham

Short Circuit

The Breakfast Club


48 Hours



and where, may i ask, is The Goonies


My 80's phase is far from complete!

Cold Sweat
We hired "Harry brown" at the weekend; Michael Cain stars a former marine pensioner who turns vigilante when the local youths on his estate murder his buddy. He messes up the druggies & the hoodies and pretty much gets away with it Certainly thought provoking, but in future I'd prefer to keep to my usual light hearted feature films..
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
We hired "Harry brown" at the weekend; Michael Cain stars a former marine pensioner who turns vigilante when the local youths on his estate murder his buddy. He messes up the druggies & the hoodies and pretty much gets away with it Certainly thought provoking, but in future I'd prefer to keep to my usual light hearted feature films..

I love Michael Caine, he's my favourite [living] actor. Must rent out harry Brown 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

On Renton's recommendation I watched I am Number Four...

Thought it was a load of uninspiring, generic pap. Hanna has been one of my favourite films this year 





I utterly love I AM NUMBER 4

You heathen - apologise forwith and henceforth !!!!

I watched HANA - it was ludicrous - it bombed at the cinema too.

Its derivitive in every way - there are squillions of femme assasin movies

She's 6 stone wet through but can wallop huge guys - and its not even fantasy to apologise for the silliness. They expect us to belive it - utter nonsense.

And to top it all  - i didn't feel anything for her - her mummy died wen she was a baba and she never knew her - so where's the pain and angst that drives our interest??


Where did that come from - i had a hed rush or something!!!


Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

On Renton's recommendation I watched I am Number Four...

Thought it was a load of uninspiring, generic pap. Hanna has been one of my favourite films this year 





I utterly love I AM NUMBER 4

You heathen - apologise forwith and henceforth !!!!

I watched HANA - it was ludicrous - it bombed at the cinema too.

Its derivitive in every way - there are squillions of femme assasin movies

She's 6 stone wet through but can wallop huge guys - and its not even fantasy to apologise for the silliness. They expect us to belive it - utter nonsense.

And to top it all  - i didn't feel anything for her - her mummy died wen she was a baba and she never knew her - so where's the pain and angst that drives our interest??


Where did that come from - i had a hed rush or something!!!



Yet a film about aliens from another planet, that are numbers, is far more believable?


It did nothing new. Generic story of an alien visitor, generic special effects, laughable looking bad guys. What exactly was his dog, where did it come from, what was its purpose? Generic acting: Rawky's score 2 / 5.


Hanna was awesome, i certainly believed that she could kick ass. Its not all about pure strength you know.


Renton, you just proved my point by calling it a 'fantasy teen drama'. 


Not my style matey, i like films that make you think and provoke emotions. The reason I am Number Four did better was because it has a character from Glee in it and it was marketed towards teenagers.


I'm a grown bloke, hence why I like grown up films from time to time.


Saz, if you end up preferring I am Number 4 to Hanna, I will disown all my apple products and revert back to becoming a PC user. 


Oh and Renton, no other movies are planned (for the moment), the film actually didn't do THAT well at the box office.


I'm a grown bloke, hence why I like grown up films from time to time.


Rawky - i can't claim to be grown yet LOL

Need looking after - heh heh

I like a movie to take me to somewhere i never see in the real world - fantasy - amazing scenes - escapism. Try Constantine or Van Helsing.

Having sed that ... The Talented Mr Ripley AND American Beauty (sob) are neither - yet are me faves.

I adore American Beauty - Lester Burnham says some amazing things,

"I want a job with the least possible amount of responsibility" LOL

Burger worker says, "I need  fries with that"

Lester says, "You need more than that my little hombre"


I feel for this guy sooo much - its tragic and achingly beautiful

And the music!! You must try and listen to THOMAS NEWMAN

Originally Posted by Renton:

I'm a grown bloke, hence why I like grown up films from time to time.


Rawky - i can't claim to be grown yet LOL

Need looking after - heh heh

I like a movie to take me to somewhere i never see in the real world - fantasy - amazing scenes - escapism. Try Constantine or Van Helsing.

Having sed that ... The Talented Mr Ripley AND American Beauty (sob) are neither - yet are me faves.

I adore American Beauty - Lester Burnham says some amazing things,

"I want a job with the least possible amount of responsibility" LOL

Burger worker says, "I need  fries with that"

Lester says, "You need more than that my little hombre"


I feel for this guy sooo much - its tragic and achingly beautiful

And the music!! You must try and listen to THOMAS NEWMAN

American Beauty is good.


Haven't seen Constantine, Van Helsing was a pile of CGI pap.


Recommendations for you:


Little Miss Sunshine


Battle Royale (Japanese film)

Pulp Fiction


Warrior (recent film, might still be in the cinema)

The Goonies 


I saw Van Helsing a couple of years ago. The opening scene which is a homage to the classic James Whale version of Frankenstein was brilliant. The next scenes at the Vatican were quite amusing between Van Helsing and the Vatican equivalent of Q. If the rest of the film had lived up to those opening scenes it would have been one of the best films ever made. Unfortunately the rest of the film was little other than an excuse for CGI effects.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I saw Van Helsing a couple of years ago. The opening scene which is a homage to the classic James Whale version of Frankenstein was brilliant. The next scenes at the Vatican were quite amusing between Van Helsing and the Vatican equivalent of Q. If the rest of the film had lived up to those opening scenes it would have been one of the best films ever made. Unfortunately the rest of the film was little other than an excuse for CGI effects.

My thoughts exactly. Although I did find the whole film completely worthless.


A few Action/Thriller films from the 1990’s that I still enjoy watching:


U S Marshals (1998)  â€“ Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey jr


Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) – Bruce Willis, Samual L. Jackson


Twister (1996) – Helen Hunt


Hard Rain (1998) – Christian Slater, Morgan Freeman


Desperado (1995) – Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek


Crimson Tide (1995) – Gene Hackman, Denzel Washington


Hard Target (1993) – Jean-Claude Van Damme


The Bone Collector (1999) – Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington


Miller’s Crossing (1990) – Gabriel Byrne


Braveheart (1995) – Mel Gibson

Cold Sweat


I have just watched the following films (I love my films):


X-Men First Class

Visually great escapist film.


Killing Bono

A much better film than I would have imagined - recommended.



Written by the black guy from The I.T. Crowd. Really enjoyed this film. One could say it has a coming of age element to it.


Trees Lounge

A low budget American film starring Steve Buscemi. Set in and around a bar called Trees Lounge, centering on the Buscemi character who is a bit down on his luck. I enjoy these lower budget more real life American movies.


Breakfast at Tiffany's

Never seen it all the way through, but now I have. It's an oldie but a goodie, with great images from the era and a classic song by Henri Mancini. Recommended.



George Lucas' first film. Science Fiction from 1971. It's the re-mastered edition and as usual GL could not keep his meddling hands off it. But seeing it so many years after release does enable you to see where other film makers have been influenced. It stars Robert Duval and Donald Pleasance.


From Paris With Love

I really enjoyed this film. John Travolta was great, playing a hard but funny character, despatching the baddies with a nice little comment or joke. A film that surprised me as I thought I would be bored after reading the synopsis. My recommendation is give it a watch.



Well, I had to watch this as I am building up to the Marvel film with the characters THOR, Iron Man etc in it. Another one of those films where I sit back, turn off brain and enjoy the action. In High Def it looks great.


Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

I never ceased to be amazed how the graphics look so realistic they could actually be battling transforming robots in the city. Not my favourite series of films, but I enjoy the action.



Films lined up for the next week...


Bad Teacher

Captain America

Cars 2


L.A. Confidential

Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides

The Fifth Element

Veronkia Decides to Die

The Green Lantern










Enthusiastic Contrafibularities



I've seen both and the second is better - however

It really does have far too much going on for its own good at times. At the beginning i was totally lost and the dialogue is far too fast and mumbling.

I thought it was a mess for the first 10mins BUT ... stick with it !!!


Its a great movie, brilliant action, funny, plot is fantastic, scenery wonderful

Guy Richie and all involved shud be proud



Renton, we tried to watch the first Sherlock fillum last Saturday night, ended up switching it off after 20 minutes or so.


I recently watched Julie & Julia, quite good, but probably more for the girls.  In fact it inspired me to go out and purchase Julia Childs cook book, this weekend I will be attempting the beef bourguignon 



Went to see it the other day - here goes

Acting, cinematography, direction, sets and clothing are without fault.

Its the plot . . .

Hmmm lets do scary - Victorian, lonely village, spooked locals, single stranger, haunted house.

Yep - thats Lady in Black

Ok - its tense - but tension shud be short and these last forever. Very slow and predictable. Almost a "colour-by-numbers" Victorian horror - and guess who makes it  . . . HAMMER - sigh

Utterly nothing new at all - why did they make it?

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Renton, we tried to watch the first Sherlock fillum last Saturday night, ended up switching it off after 20 minutes or so.


I recently watched Julie & Julia, quite good, but probably more for the girls.  In fact it inspired me to go out and purchase Julia Childs cook book, this weekend I will be attempting the beef bourguignon 

Wot did you not like about Sherlock 1 - twas great


I watched a docu-film called 'The Bridge' the other week. Its about the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco and how so many people take their own lives jumping from it.  The film crew spent a year filming it and caught so many people killing themselves.


It was oddly compelling stuff. I definitely recommend it....but don't expect a happy ending 


I watched a really random film on tv the other night. I have no idea if it is well known or not but I really enjoyed it. It had the brunette out of Muriels wedding in it and the blonde welsh woman out of Gavin and Stacey. She was a singer in a welsh village... well she wasnt a singer (the Muriel wedding one) she was a baker(but she wasnt) ... but she became a singer funerals.



dont know what it was called

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I watched a really random film on tv the other night. I have no idea if it is well known or not but I really enjoyed it. It had the brunette out of Muriels wedding in it and the blonde welsh woman out of Gavin and Stacey. She was a singer in a welsh village... well she wasnt a singer (the Muriel wedding one) she was a baker(but she wasnt) ... but she became a singer funerals.



dont know what it was called


Time to get searching m'luvver.




Originally Posted by Cinds:

I said it recently in another film thread.


Watch Senna.  Truly absorbing movie.


I'm going to rent Tyrannosaur this weekend, it's got brilliant reviews.

I've got Tyrannosaur on my list, looks like it's hard going but rewarding to watch.


Everyone should watch Senna.


Recently I've seen


The King's Speech

Blue Valentine

Crazy Stupid Love

Sherlock Holmes

Harry Brown


All very good films, would recommend every single one on that list.

Originally Posted by Katerina:
I've got Tyrannosaur on my list, looks like it's hard going but rewarding to watch.


Everyone should watch Senna.


Recently I've seen


The King's Speech

Blue Valentine

Crazy Stupid Love

Sherlock Holmes

Harry Brown


All very good films, would recommend every single one on that list.

Seen all those films except "Crazy Stupid Love". All very good, IMO too. "The King's Speech" and "Blue Valentine" remain my favourites from last year.


"Tyrannosaur" is definitely worth seeing, but you're right: it's not an easy watch...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

A fillum every man should watch is 'Hard Candy' 


Oooh, that is a good un .  I like how pretty much every shot of the actors was a close up, makes you feel really in your face and awkward.

Hard Candy was let down by the female lead being implausibly worldly and intuitive for someone who was supposed to be just 14, IMO.  Made for a good story with plenty of twists and turns with Ellen Page's character turning the tables and slowly unmasking the paedo, but overall I was left with the impression of an implausible character play. 

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

A fillum every man should watch is 'Hard Candy' 


Oooh, that is a good un .  I like how pretty much every shot of the actors was a close up, makes you feel really in your face and awkward.

Hard Candy was let down by the female lead being implausibly worldly and intuitive for someone who was supposed to be just 14, IMO.  Made for a good story with plenty of twists and turns with Ellen Page's character turning the tables and slowly unmasking the paedo, but overall I was left with the impression of an implausible character play. 



Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

A fillum every man should watch is 'Hard Candy' 


Oooh, that is a good un .  I like how pretty much every shot of the actors was a close up, makes you feel really in your face and awkward.

Hard Candy was let down by the female lead being implausibly worldly and intuitive for someone who was supposed to be just 14, IMO.  Made for a good story with plenty of twists and turns with Ellen Page's character turning the tables and slowly unmasking the paedo, but overall I was left with the impression of an implausible character play. 



It is quite an old film 2005


Just watched Disney/Pixar movie "CARS"

What a load of rubbish!!

Don't get me wrong  - it has some merit ... the animation and some genuinely laugh out loud moments are to be commended


But laughs are thin on the ground, story is laboured and unoriginal and that's not to mention the steriotypical characters bordering on the offensive at times.

A poor show

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Oi! calm down.


Well, if you're fine with setting an example to your family that stealing is ok then there's nothing to worry about.













There are worse things to be worrying about Rawky, flippin' hell. 


 What else have you been doing!!?!?!  


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

All sorts Rawky 


Sure dat online thievin' is just the start of it 


Its a slippery slope. If you stop downloading and become a good citizen then you get through this. Honest. 

Nah I disagree Rawky. What are you to do if that devil Murdoch steals all your favourite programmes away on to Sky? Huh?

*sets moral challenge to Rawky*

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

All sorts Rawky 


Sure dat online thievin' is just the start of it 


Its a slippery slope. If you stop downloading and become a good citizen then you get through this. Honest. 

Nah I disagree Rawky. What are you to do if that devil Murdoch steals all your favourite programmes away on to Sky? Huh?

*sets moral challenge to Rawky*


Well I've got Sky, so I'll be fine there. But then I don't watch a huge lot of TV. Plus there's always the online catch up services.


But downloading films is a big no-no in my book  *adds noseyrosie to the list*



Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

I have The Artist downloaded but I can't seem to get round to it. Someone tell me its good, please 


Its only good if you're not a cheapskate, or thief, and go to pay to watch it. Or wait for it to be available to rent.

That should also have gone in my "Golden Rules" thread . . . just saying


Just finished watching TINTIN - hmmmm

I guess the first thing wrong with Tintin is that ... its Tintin

Never a universally liked/accepted cartoon series in the UK or USA (compared to the rest of Europe) it struggles to find its place in this modern remake. The modern day movie shows Capt Haddock as an alcoholic and Tintin as a 15yr old gun-totin' sleuth. Basically staying faithful to the Tintin heritage means it does not fit well in 2012.

Its neither for adults (as its too long forgotten to be popular enough to fill seats) nor has it a modern day following enough to have children rushing to see it.

Furthermore - its understanable that a cartoon wud be remade as ... a cartoon and it IS spectacular to watch but its hero is never really in peril cos its a 'cartoon' and so i doubt anyone wud have been on the edge of their seats like with Indina Jones or Pirates of the Carribean.

A strange choice for a remake that doesn't work in terms of its characters, its 'gung-ho' spirit nor for its pure entertainment pleasure in this modern day era.

Tintin needs to remain in the past.


Originally Posted by Renton:

CINDS - next time i'm at Blockbusters i will get it out

But you have to promise to watch I am number four, ok?

KIMOTA - prometheus looks great!!

I just googled 'I am number four' and it lost me when it mentioned aliens.  That's a Mr Cinds choice of film, that he would have to tie me up to watch.  Although saying that, I did think that about Senna too.

Originally Posted by Katerina:

I watched We Need To Talk About Kevin. And as a result have decided I'm never ever having kids


Seriously though, excellent movie. Great direction and performances, one of those films that pops back into your head days after seeing it.

I read the book and it haunted me for months.   I'm looking forward to seeing the film (I think)   I always thought they should have cast 'David Platt' as Kevin though 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I watched We Need To Talk About Kevin. And as a result have decided I'm never ever having kids


Seriously though, excellent movie. Great direction and performances, one of those films that pops back into your head days after seeing it.

I read the book and it haunted me for months.   I'm looking forward to seeing the film (I think)   I always thought they should have cast 'David Platt' as Kevin though 

Ooh I might get the book, sounds like a good read!

The film had me riveted from the first few scenes.

Originally Posted by Katerina:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

Ooh I might get the book, sounds like a good read!

The film had me riveted from the first few scenes.

Was a fantastic book, kat... although I think I started it about 4 or 5 times before I got into it.   Not sure the surprises will be so effective after seeing the film mind, but well worth the read -  you get into the characters' minds much more in a book

Originally Posted by Renton:

Carnelian - it was a disappointment

They have gone to lengths to say it aint a remake . . . IT IS!!

Sure the story line lends itself to a prequel but there is nothing new and some scenes are lifted wholesale from the old movie

Worst of all the fail to steal the best scenes - its a lazy effort, sadly

I'm not surprised Renton, I think the thing with the original film was the use of physical materials to create the gore, which was very realistic, ground-breaking and physically repulsive in its day with effects on par with Alien.  


I'm not sure why they remade it, as it was a perfect 80s sci-fi horror (along with Alien and The Fly, IMO) but will give it go when it gets to DVD.


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

My friend, who works at the cinema, got me and few others in to see In Time for free. I thought it was so crap i demanded my money back 

I liked it, Thought it had an interesting analogy to capitalism and globalism.  I'm sure if they ever did discover a drug or something to make people immortal, they'd make damn sure 'the market' was skewed so the rich got the drug in abundance at the expense of the poor.


I particularly felt the quote "For one man to be immortal, thousands have to die" to be very apt to how capitalism works in essence.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

My friend, who works at the cinema, got me and few others in to see In Time for free. I thought it was so crap i demanded my money back 

I liked it, Thought it had an interesting analogy to capitalism and globalism.  I'm sure if they ever did discover a drug or something to make people immortal, they'd make damn sure 'the market' was skewed so the rich got the drug in abundance at the expense of the poor.


I particularly felt the quote "For one man to be immortal, thousands have to die" to be very apt to how capitalism works in essence.


The concept was good, yes. But the film was dire. The acting, the main story line, the special effects (especially when the car fell into the waterway, everyone in the cinema laughed at that bit), plus horrendous, cheesy one liners the main characters kept using.


Just didn't float my gravy boat I'm afraid.


I've also just come back from watching The Hunger Games, it was surprisingly good.


I watched "Funny Games" on Netflix last night.  Its a psychological thriller which is a shot for shot remake of a German film.


Its pretty disturbing and shocking in places, and there are a few moments where it breaks the 4th wall... its a little odd, but I'd say give it a watch.  Its certainly a movie for film lovers, but not for people who watch films every now and then.... and certainly not for those who think films like "I Am Number Four" is a good film ..........


Here's the trailer:


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I watched "Funny Games" on Netflix last night.  Its a psychological thriller which is a shot for shot remake of a German film.


Its pretty disturbing and shocking in places, and there are a few moments where it breaks the 4th wall... its a little odd, but I'd say give it a watch.  Its certainly a movie for film lovers, but not for people who watch films every now and then.... and certainly not for those who think films like "I Am Number Four" is a good film ..........


Here's the trailer:


A bit too shocking for my tastes, remember seeing it on C4 years ago, a pretty nasty and sadistic film made all the more nasty by its realism rather than brainless sadistic, gore attached to a flimsy premise.  A good film in the sense that it was well acted, puts the viewer at emotional unease and is definitely thought-provoking.  However, certainly not one you'd want in your DVD collection to sit in front of with a beer and takeaway on a Saturday evening, unless you're a bit mental.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I watched "Funny Games" on Netflix last night.  Its a psychological thriller which is a shot for shot remake of a German film.


Its pretty disturbing and shocking in places, and there are a few moments where it breaks the 4th wall... its a little odd, but I'd say give it a watch.  Its certainly a movie for film lovers, but not for people who watch films every now and then.... and certainly not for those who think films like "I Am Number Four" is a good film ..........


Here's the trailer:


Now you listen here Rawky-dorky

I AM NUMBER FOUR is amazing !!! I encourage everyone to watch it LOL

Originally Posted by Renton:

is it a secret then?

From Wiki:

"Joseph, an unemployed widower, plagued by violence and a rage that is driving him to self-destruction, undergoes a life change after killing his dog in a fit of rage. Desperate to change his ways and get out of his unpleasant past and surroundings, he earns a chance of redemption when by chance he becomes close to local charity shop worker Hannah, a respectable wholesome and kindly Christian woman who takes pity on him, and they become close friends. However Hannah has a dark secret of her own which threatens to plunge Joseph back into his former life."


Peter Mullan also starred in Ken Loach's "My name is Joe", which I would also recommend to those who liked "Tyrannosaur"...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Renton:

Where as i believe you should decide for yourself by watching it

Are you independent of mind - or feel the need to follow other's opinions?

Be independent - be I am number four


Oh no, I go by what I feel, but others may like to see how the film is rated before they watch it.


As a film lover I will give anything the benefit of the doubt, I watched I am Number Four after all.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Where as i believe you should decide for yourself by watching it

Are you independent of mind - or feel the need to follow other's opinions?

Be independent - be I am number four


Oh no, I go by what I feel, but others may like to see how the film is rated before they watch it.


As a film lover I will give anything the benefit of the doubt, I watched I am Number Four after all.

We shall politely agree to disagree - cos we're gentlemen

Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Where as i believe you should decide for yourself by watching it

Are you independent of mind - or feel the need to follow other's opinions?

Be independent - be I am number four


Oh no, I go by what I feel, but others may like to see how the film is rated before they watch it.


As a film lover I will give anything the benefit of the doubt, I watched I am Number Four after all.

We shall politely agree to disagree - cos we're gentlemen




But the fact you also list Sucker Punch as one of your favourite movies means we can't ever go to the cinema together. I hope you understand

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Where as i believe you should decide for yourself by watching it

Are you independent of mind - or feel the need to follow other's opinions?

Be independent - be I am number four


Oh no, I go by what I feel, but others may like to see how the film is rated before they watch it.


As a film lover I will give anything the benefit of the doubt, I watched I am Number Four after all.

We shall politely agree to disagree - cos we're gentlemen




But the fact you also list Sucker Punch as one of your favourite movies means we can't ever go to the cinema together. I hope you understand

Its ok - i'm not gay LOL


Over the weekend, I watched Wreckers(mainly because I love Benedict Cumberbatch), but it wasn't a good film sadly.


Also saw Lars and the Real Girl, which I loved. It's not a movie for everyone, but I'd recommend it if you like quirky indie films. Ryan Gosling has become one of my fave actors recently and he shines as main character Lars.


Originally Posted by Cagney:

Maybe it's because I have a toddler but I love animation just now. Laughed myself off the sofa watching Up and the other day the wee man was looking at me like I was mad coz I was crying laughing at Hop 

Up is one of the best animated films I've seen, makes me laugh and cry(those first 15 minutes floored me the first time I watched it).


Haven't seen Hop yet!


Megamind is a good one too, and Despicable Me.

Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I watched an Italian film last night called "I'm Not Scared". Its about this young boy who finds a covered up, deep, hole by an old farm house and inside the hole is another young boy, chained up.


It was interesting, nothing i was expecting though.


I betcha were scared, LOL


well the odd thing is that its not a horror film, even with a title like that. Its more of a mystery drama.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Where as i believe you should decide for yourself by watching it

Are you independent of mind - or feel the need to follow other's opinions?

Be independent - be I am number four


Oh no, I go by what I feel, but others may like to see how the film is rated before they watch it.


As a film lover I will give anything the benefit of the doubt, I watched I am Number Four after all.

We shall politely agree to disagree - cos we're gentlemen




But the fact you also list Sucker Punch as one of your favourite movies means we can't ever go to the cinema together. I hope you understand

Aside from your sexual frisson and banter with Renton , Sucker Punch was a good film.  I expected it to be complete shit, but was very pleasantly surprised by the imagination and imagery that went into the film.  OK, it's like a cross between a pop video, console game and a comic book, but the imagery and twists captured my imagination and I did have empathy for the characters. 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I watched an Italian film last night called "I'm Not Scared". Its about this young boy who finds a covered up, deep, hole by an old farm house and inside the hole is another young boy, chained up.


It was interesting, nothing i was expecting though.


Started watching it as it was the same director as Pan's Labyrinth (correct me if I'm wrong or thinking about something entirely different), which I did like a lot, but with "I'm not scared" I lost interest.  I will probably pick it up at some point but just got a bit bored. 


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