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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

you tube links welcome....   

Kaffy, just start here: and then they'll all just more or less follow on if you look on the right hand side. I re-watched 7, 14 an 21 last night....then had to jump to 42  'cos I was running out of time....then  couldn't stay awake any longer! Will try and find time to watch the others this week... Begins to realises that this is where my life long interest in social science and, subsequently, 'reality' TV started

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Thank you JB - I was too busy watching to see your post. Good wasn't it? Is the next one next Monday does anyone know?

It is soozy 

Thank you - I've got it on series record but I wanted to know. In the past they've done it over a couple or three consecutive days.

oh.. maybe best check then Soozy, it's next Monday up here, but we sometimes have different schedules.   Series link will catch it though - that's a great thing!

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

you tube links welcome....   

Kaffy, just start here: and then they'll all just more or less follow on if you look on the right hand side. I re-watched 7, 14 an 21 last night....then had to jump to 42  'cos I was running out of time....then  couldn't stay awake any longer! Will try and find time to watch the others this week... Begins to realises that this is where my life long interest in social science and, subsequently, 'reality' TV started

it was really interesting Supes - wish I'd watched the others before.   i kept thinking of 'White Heat' when I was watching!  Thanks for the links

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

it was really interesting Supes - wish I'd watched the others before.   i kept thinking of 'White Heat' when I was watching!  Thanks for the links

I've not seen that! Oh bloody hell, you lot are going to have me a tele addict!!!

I'm interested in how I've changed my mind about people as I've 'grown up,' myself and how  I was attracted to certain ones as a child and now prefer others as I've become an adult.....However, my prevailing thought for bedtime is: look at the sadness and despair in Paul's eyes at 7, and look at the sheer joy in Neil's at the same age, and look how much that changed. Sod ;give me a child when he is 7, ' what about the power of unconditional love huh? Makes me think of one of my favourite books/sayings 'It's never too late to have a happy childhood'  

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

it was really interesting Supes - wish I'd watched the others before.   i kept thinking of 'White Heat' when I was watching!  Thanks for the links

I've not seen that! Oh bloody hell, you lot are going to have me a tele addict!!!

I'm interested in how I've changed my mind about people as I've 'grown up,' myself and how  I was attracted to certain ones as a child and now prefer others as I've become an adult.....However, my prevailing thought for bedtime is: look at the sadness and despair in Paul's eyes at 7, and look at the sheer joy in Neil's at the same age, and look how much that changed. Sod ;give me a child when he is 7, ' what about the power of unconditional love huh? Makes me think of one of my favourite books/sayings 'It's never too late to have a happy childhood'  

I was thinking the same.

Soozy Woo

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