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I can't wait til they are bloody over... 



Ducks & I are at the end of our tether...   


bloody teenagers!!!    both our kids have their uni offers..   both have been alarmingly laid back about the revision side of things...   til recently when my daughter suddenly went into a flat spin of panic..    


and dealt with it by dishing out large quantities of eye rolling, huffing, puffing, stamping of feet & verbal abuse at me!


I should be all stressed about the actual exams ...  her first is on weds, but I just want them to be over with now.


She is doing Maths, Chem & Physics..     She has to get A*, A* & A   cos thats her uni offer 

Originally Posted by Renton:

Best wishes - i know how she (and you) feel

Hated exams - still have genuine nightmares


I turn up to the exam and realise - OMG i've done no revision!!!

I think i must do that, where i remember how i felt doing my A levels, and have that butterfly exam feeling (a tad) today more so than any other day, don't quite know why. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I can't wait til they are bloody over... 



Ducks & I are at the end of our tether...   


bloody teenagers!!!    both our kids have their uni offers..   both have been alarmingly laid back about the revision side of things...   til recently when my daughter suddenly went into a flat spin of panic..    


and dealt with it by dishing out large quantities of eye rolling, huffing, puffing, stamping of feet & verbal abuse at me!


I should be all stressed about the actual exams ...  her first is on weds, but I just want them to be over with now.


She is doing Maths, Chem & Physics..     She has to get A*, A* & A   cos thats her uni offer 

Yes Ditts  Same here, she has all her Uni offers. She has decided which one is is going to.

(and isn't phased by the fact she may not get it) its just not a possibity to her she may not get the one she wants. i havn't said other. lol

She also needs the A's. 


Good luck to your daugher Ditts and to Ducky's   God lol , i know how you feel. 


 hugs n huffing and puffing to go! xx




Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Yes Ditts  Same here, she has all her Uni offers. She has decided which one is is going to.

(and isn't phased by the fact she may not get it) its just not a possibity to her she may not get the one she wants. i havn't said other. lol

She also needs the A's. 


Good luck to your daugher Ditts and to Ducky's   God lol , i know how you feel. 


 hugs n huffing and puffing to go! xx





We had to discuss contingency plans...   cos prior to the recent lack of studying it wasn't really her fault..     Getting Glandular Fever at the beginning of the year really put her back...  she missed so much, so she has done well catching up the way she has (she had to drop 2 A Levels to do it - Further Maths & DT)...   


She's determined to go to Imperial though... no other uni will do!


Luckily, she is going for the gap year...   despite the hike in tuition fee's she had to apply to defer for a year to try and get ontop of her health issues.


Soooooo...   when the exams are finished, its all about finding her a part time job for a year (cos I can't afford to fund her)..  


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Yes Ditts  Same here, she has all her Uni offers. She has decided which one is is going to.

(and isn't phased by the fact she may not get it) its just not a possibity to her she may not get the one she wants. i havn't said other. lol

She also needs the A's. 


Good luck to your daugher Ditts and to Ducky's   God lol , i know how you feel. 


 hugs n huffing and puffing to go! xx





We had to discuss contingency plans...   cos prior to the recent lack of studying it wasn't really her fault..     Getting Glandular Fever at the beginning of the year really put her back...  she missed so much, so she has done well catching up the way she has (she had to drop 2 A Levels to do it - Further Maths & DT)...   


She's determined to go to Imperial though... no other uni will do!


Luckily, she is going for the gap year...   despite the hike in tuition fee's she had to apply to defer for a year to try and get ontop of her health issues.


Soooooo...   when the exams are finished, its all about finding her a part time job for a year (cos I can't afford to fund her)..  


The determination is key. Good for her, and for getting over her illness. 


My daughter dropped maths, ironically she always got A's in maths, but she says she can go back to it. You just have to support whatever decision they make.


My *fineness level* also wavers every hour, lol    

Ev (Peachy)

Oh god Ev! This thread could run and run....... now I have somewhere to vent my frustration!!!


My son has finally, FINALLY, started to realise he's running out of time. He woke up at 5am this morning and apparently couldn't get back to sleep cos he was worrying about his exams.About bloody time....I'm been worried for weeks!


The thing is, he's always been like this. No exam matters except the last one, he happily fails all internal exams/tests and lets his teachers (and me) fret over him failing in the real thing, but when it comes to the real thing he always pulls it out of the bag, and gets good grades.  Cos I know what he's like, I'm normally quite relaxed about it....... but this time......well uni depends on it.....and the stress levels have soared!



A week on Thursday it will all be over.

Originally Posted by Ducky:

Oh god Ev! This thread could run and run....... now I have somewhere to vent my frustration!!!


My son has finally, FINALLY, started to realise he's running out of time. He woke up at 5am this morning and apparently couldn't get back to sleep cos he was worrying about his exams.About bloody time....I'm been worried for weeks!


The thing is, he's always been like this. No exam matters except the last one, he happily fails all internal exams/tests and lets his teachers (and me) fret over him failing in the real thing, but when it comes to the real thing he always pulls it out of the bag, and gets good grades.  Cos I know what he's like, I'm normally quite relaxed about it....... but this time......well uni depends on it.....and the stress levels have soared!



A week on Thursday it will all be over.

 Tell him your going to start biting his nails to the knuckle, as you have none left.  


Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by sparkles:

Exams are very hard and so is the work in general ... I really see red when I hear people say 'its so easy for them, exams are easier, they don't know they're born!'  I see what my two have been through... it IS hard and is IS stressful, and nobody has any right to comment unless THEY have been through it.!

Yes they should go through an emotional wringer before they can comment. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Has he got his heads in his books?


*Takes a leaf out of Your book* lol 


I wouldn't rush to take that leaf Ev.....I'm not sure it works that well.


He's been sat down here with me for the last hour and a half....Economics book in his lap..... but I bet the actually amount of revision that has gone on is less than ten mins! The other 85 minutes were taken up by moaning, planning of revision, checking exam dates, asking me random questions about who was prime minister when I was a child, more moaning, asking me what time it is, moaning, trying to balance his highlighter on the cats head, moaning.......and so it goes on...and on.....and on.


I've sent him for a break......COS I NEED ONE!

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Has he got his heads in his books?


*Takes a leaf out of Your book* lol 


I wouldn't rush to take that leaf Ev.....I'm not sure it works that well.


He's been sat down here with me for the last hour and a half....Economics book in his lap..... but I bet the actually amount of revision that has gone on is less than ten mins! The other 85 minutes were taken up by moaning, planning of revision, checking exam dates, asking me random questions about who was prime minister when I was a child, more moaning, asking me what time it is, moaning, trying to balance his highlighter on the cats head, moaning.......and so it goes on...and on.....and on.


I've sent him for a break......COS I NEED ONE!

  Forgive me for laughing, but that's funny. 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Has he got his heads in his books?


*Takes a leaf out of Your book* lol 


I wouldn't rush to take that leaf Ev.....I'm not sure it works that well.


He's been sat down here with me for the last hour and a half....Economics book in his lap..... but I bet the actually amount of revision that has gone on is less than ten mins! The other 85 minutes were taken up by moaning, planning of revision, checking exam dates, asking me random questions about who was prime minister when I was a child, more moaning, asking me what time it is, moaning, trying to balance his highlighter on the cats head, moaning.......and so it goes on...and on.....and on.


I've sent him for a break......COS I NEED ONE!

bloody hell Ducks!!






(did he hear me Ducks?)

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:





(did he hear me Ducks?)


I TOLD HIM THAT THIS MORNING!!! (sorry.....the caps were aimed at him not you )


He managed to do 9 till 2........

9am - 2pm is something...    *tries to spin it positive for the Duck*



Get him to do a past paper Ducks..    that will either spur him into action..  or if he does quite well... help you chill a bit. 



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