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Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:

By the way ....thanks to my daughter and her partner ....I can now walk the whole length of my garage 😎😎🀣🀣🀣

Wow, they must have worked hard.

Yes ....still a couple of boxes etc to be cleared , and some wood to get rid of , but they’ve stacked them all under the work bench , so ....... Mind you , it was a bit upsetting.....which is probably why I had a rough night ..... cos they came across lots of Mr Bs army stuff ....including his parachute jump tie and some photos ....there was even a NAFFI 3 pence ( the old type) voucher 

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:

By the way ....thanks to my daughter and her partner ....I can now walk the whole length of my garage 😎😎🀣🀣🀣

Wow, they must have worked hard.

Yes ....still a couple of boxes etc to be cleared , and some wood to get rid of , but they’ve stacked them all under the work bench , so ....... Mind you , it was a bit upsetting.....which is probably why I had a rough night ..... cos they came across lots of Mr Bs army stuff ....including his parachute jump tie and some photos ....there was even a NAFFI 3 pence ( the old type) voucher 

I can understand why it was emotional for you 

lol at the NAFFI voucher


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