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Is drinking your own urine really good for you or is it just a total myth?
I've heard it over the years, but never had the courage to squirt a load of it into a glass and take a mouthful. I cannot see how it could be good for you otherwise why would your body piss it out in the first place? If I could be arsed, I'd google this to see for myself, but I thought it'd be more fun to ask here instead.

So has anyone here had the balls to take a mouthful of their own? If so how did you have it, fresh and warm or did you refrigerate it first? What did it taste like?

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Urea is used by the body ( amongst other things) to extract nitrogen. There is a high  urea concentration in urine.
In medicine urea is used for all sorts of things , interestingly skin rehydration being one of them.Urea can also be found in skin creams and hair conditioners -but fear not, it can be made artificially,
Therefore there is some logic to drinking your own urine however if you are going to do it, do it the minute you have pee'd it.
Bear in mind though that whilst urine in sterile inside your body, the minute it hits the open air it is not.

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