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What a load of twaddle those girls talk  

He's a down to earth genuine bloke nothing more or less.  With respect to his language - he's a joiner - (my dad was a plasterer) and in that sort of blokey environment swearing is par for the course - I'll accept that he could have learned to tone it down a little .... but it hardly makes him any less of a good guy.  I think he's been a little intimidated by the whole experience and has taken time to get comfortable - shame he may be going just as we might be starting to see the real Nathan emerge - and I think he's a nice guy
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
I was racking my brains to think of something that would make them say that and I couldn't think of anything.  What made it stand out for me was that Corin and Nathan were in the garden saying they hope Keefer comes out of herself once she got over Shabby going! They were being quite nice whilst the others were ripping them to pieces in the bathroom.

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