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My niece is a Veterinary nurse and has given a home to two pugs over the last couple of years when the owners wanted a good home for them - the first one was a puppy at the time and the second one she took in a few months ago is also a puppy. The one that is now adult does have the breathing difficulties, as yet the puppy doesn't. Both are very lovable and friendly, get on with the cats she has and no problems if children go to the house.

It's such a shame that breeders over time have helped to create the breathing difficulties they have, I wish humans would stop interfering with nature whether it's for financial gain or not
Yellow Rose
I think you will find that most short haired dogs cause more allergies than long haired.......They tend to moult more! I think it is the undercoat that causes has already been said a Bichon frise or labradoodle are the best for allergy sufferers . Whatever you decide on I know you will love it.....Dogs are the B******s...

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