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This is actually a serious question.


This morning my girlfriend was telling me about a lad she shared a flat with at uni getting testicular cancer and she asked me if I regularly check my balls. It got me thinking, I actually don't. Every now and then I think to myself when in the shower, 'oh I'll feel my balls throughly for lumps' and then think I'll make it a regular thing, but that's maybe at a guess once every 3 months at best and it never becomes a regular thing - it just goes away from my mind! That's not really good enough is it?


So men, do you feel your balls?

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well i think people do have that 'arrogance' crunchy.the 'i'll be ok.i'm fit n healthy it won't happen to me' thing...........i did........put off going for a smear test for ages.....i wasn't scared....just 'didn't get round to it'.....when i finally did i had stage 3 abnormal cells which had i not gone would of developed into cancer over time.......had treatment and got shot of them...had 2 check ups since and both were ok...going for my 3rd check up next scared the shit out of me


Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:

I think a lot of people presume it won't happen to them. I'm maybe guilty of that mindset really. But when you hear first hand stories about people your age, it gets you thinking doesn't it? I bet people that have been unlucky enough to have it thought it would never happen to them.

That's the scary part... it is a bit like male breast cancer. It is rare but it can happen. I was listening to the radio the other day - a 28 year old man died of it.

He was 24 when he got it and ignored the symptoms

Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:

I think a lot of people presume it won't happen to them. I'm maybe guilty of that mindset really. But when you hear first hand stories about people your age, it gets you thinking doesn't it? I bet people that have been unlucky enough to have it thought it would never happen to them.

That's the scary part... it is a bit like male breast cancer. It is rare but it can happen. I was listening to the radio the other day - a 28 year old man died of it.

He was 24 when he got it and ignored the symptoms


This is apparently more likely for men particularly business men who carry their phones in their breast pocket.

Originally Posted by RiverRock:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:

I think a lot of people presume it won't happen to them. I'm maybe guilty of that mindset really. But when you hear first hand stories about people your age, it gets you thinking doesn't it? I bet people that have been unlucky enough to have it thought it would never happen to them.

That's the scary part... it is a bit like male breast cancer. It is rare but it can happen. I was listening to the radio the other day - a 28 year old man died of it.

He was 24 when he got it and ignored the symptoms


This is apparently more likely for men particularly business men who carry their phones in their breast pocket.

I have a friend who tucks her mobile into her bra ...  I don't know how many times I have warned her not to

Originally Posted by Issy:

That's the scary part... it is a bit like male breast cancer. It is rare but it can happen. I was listening to the radio the other day - a 28 year old man died of it.

He was 24 when he got it and ignored the symptoms

It certainly does happen, and the incidence of testicular cancer is rising. It also tends to be more common in younger and middle-aged men than older.


The thing that woke me up to it was what happened to Alan Stubbs (then of Celtic): he'd just finished playing in a cup final, and took part in a routine dope test. Shortly afterwards, the story broke that there were "irregularities" with his urine sample, and the unspoken suspicion was that he'd been taking banned substances. It turned out in fact that those "irregularities" were unusually high levels of a hormone, which indicated cancer. The day after he was told this, the club sent a car round and whisked him off too hospital, where they conducted tests and prepared him for an operation...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by RiverRock:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:

I think a lot of people presume it won't happen to them. I'm maybe guilty of that mindset really. But when you hear first hand stories about people your age, it gets you thinking doesn't it? I bet people that have been unlucky enough to have it thought it would never happen to them.

That's the scary part... it is a bit like male breast cancer. It is rare but it can happen. I was listening to the radio the other day - a 28 year old man died of it.

He was 24 when he got it and ignored the symptoms


This is apparently more likely for men particularly business men who carry their phones in their breast pocket.

Bloody hell really?! Didn't know that


I don't think it's as much of a taboo subject as much as it used to be. Men seem to be quite switched on and will happily admit to checking regularly, which is good news There should be no taboos about cancer, no matter what part of the body may be affected by it.

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Prometheus:

Shit! I've just felt my balls and found two lumps there 

Don't worry, they probably haven't dropped yet *runs*


*yells at Karma in angry high-pitched voice* 

Why am I hearing Aled Jones circa 1985?


I'm just demonstrating my extensive vocal range ain't I? 

Originally Posted by Jonesy:

Reading this i have to say maybe a lot of males dont check themselves coz of fear of finding a lump and having to go to the docs with the result, and maybe afraid of hearing the word "cancer"   I reckon there must be loads of males out there that may brush off finding a lump for the above reasons. --Fear.

Well, recalling my father's reaction when he had prostate problems (not cancer, thankfully, although we were worried for a while), you may have a point there.


There's definitely a gender difference in attitude. Prostate cancer is actually more common amongst men than breast cancer is amongst women and the mortality rates are about the same. Prostate cancer certainly isn't the "old person's disease" it's often portrayed as either, however there isn't anything like the same amount of publicity or concern about prevention for prostate cancer as there is for breast cancer. There does seem to be an "out of sight, out of mind" attitude towards it...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

There's definitely a gender difference in attitude. Prostate cancer is actually more common amongst men than breast cancer is amongst women and the mortality rates are about the same. Prostate cancer certainly isn't the "old person's disease" it's often portrayed as either, however there isn't anything like the same amount of publicity or concern about prevention for prostate cancer as there is for breast cancer. There does seem to be an "out of sight, out of mind" attitude towards it...


Yep, women worry much more about such things than men do. I think men assume they are more robust because they are men. That's not as ridiculous a statement as it may sound if you think about it.

Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

well i think people do have that 'arrogance' crunchy.the 'i'll be ok.i'm fit n healthy it won't happen to me' thing...........i did........put off going for a smear test for ages.....i wasn't scared....just 'didn't get round to it'.....when i finally did i had stage 3 abnormal cells which had i not gone would of developed into cancer over time.......had treatment and got shot of them...had 2 check ups since and both were ok...going for my 3rd check up next scared the shit out of me


I'm well overdue for my smear - you've got me thinking. I really should make an appointment.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by spongebob squarepants:

well i think people do have that 'arrogance' crunchy.the 'i'll be ok.i'm fit n healthy it won't happen to me' thing...........i did........put off going for a smear test for ages.....i wasn't scared....just 'didn't get round to it'.....when i finally did i had stage 3 abnormal cells which had i not gone would of developed into cancer over time.......had treatment and got shot of them...had 2 check ups since and both were ok...going for my 3rd check up next scared the shit out of me


I'm well overdue for my smear - you've got me thinking. I really should make an appointment.

Me too Soozy was due when 5months preg, baby is now 7months! Thanx spongey and crunchy.


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