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Originally posted by ilovewillyoung:
Me being dim can i ask something? when bb starts will the lounge be ot cos i think only bb posts will be used in the uk bb???????????/

Not dim at all, thats kind of what I am asking too! I'm just a bit disorientated because some of my fave threads are scattered between the two boarda.

Sorry, I know I'm a troll and belong down thete in troll land, Crying
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
I don't understand why we are not posting non-BB stuff in the Lounge. It must be very confusing for those members who have joined this forum from elsewhere without ever having been a C4 member.

I don't mind OT stuff slipping onto the BB board while BB isn't running, but it would be nice to think that once it's started, all OT threads will come here to the Lounge.

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