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Isn't he annoying the way he addresses Mario as 'Mole' all the time..why not just call him by his bloody name?

He was also moaning about the S&R being geared towards Mario winning it Yesterday, what is his problem with Mario that he has to dig at him all the time and then have the audacity to say 'you don't put your friends up for nomination'...he's some friend to Mario isn't he....

He makes me wanna puke!!!!!!!!!

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The list of Dave annoyances is too long, so I'll just say the most recent.

He told them all that they had embarrassed themselves and lost all their dignity, playing that game, and yet he keeps harping on about Andrew having 'Never felt the warmth of a woman's body'!

As a 'Christian minister', surely he would not want to make out that Andrew should be embarrassed by his lack of sexual experience, ignoring the fact that Andrew is not a virgin and has had one disappointing drunken dip, and should be applauding the fact that Andrew hasn't been promiscuous, not shouting about a nineteen year old's lack of a sex life on a TV show? 
The list of Dave annoyances is too long, so I'll just say the most recent.

He told them all that they had embarrassed themselves and lost all their dignity, playing that game, and yet he keeps harping on about Andrew having 'Never felt the warmth of a woman's body'!

As a 'Christian minister', surely he would not want to make out that Andrew should be embarrassed by his lack of sexual experience, ignoring the fact that Andrew is not a virgin and has had one disappointing drunken dip, and should be applauding the fact that Andrew hasn't been promiscuous, not shouting about a nineteen year old's lack of a sex life on a TV show?
I knew he'd harped on about the 'dignity' thing, but not about Andrew!!!!

What a vile, fraudulent piece of shit he is.....loathesome 'Man' with the morals of a turd.....I want him gone soooooooooooooo much!
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: DID
I knew he'd harped on about the 'dignity' thing, but not about Andrew!!!! What a vile, fraudulent piece of shit he is.....loathesome 'Man' with the morals of a turd.....I want him gone soooooooooooooo much!
He does it regularly, DIDs.

What a Christian man he is and he didn't lose his dignity, or compromise his wife's dignity at all, trying to stick his head under skirt, during the ignore the obvious task!

I wish I was in there, sometimes! 

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