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Afternoon Darnies I still feel a bit iffy , but at least I got a fairly decent nights sleep. I don’t know if it’s the bug making me feel rough , or whether it’s the antibiotics ! Anyway, at least I’ve done a bit more today …..I’ve washed , dusted , sorted the M&S delivery , and fed the wildlife . I had some poached salmon for lunch , and that’s all I intend doing for the rest of the day .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturday , whatever you are up to.


Afternoon Darnies Sunny , and chilly ….but it’s lovely looking out of the window at the daffodils and snowdrops …..spring is definitely around the corner .I didn’t have a bad night , but still feel tired , so I haven’t done much today …just some washing , cleaned kitchen ,  fed birds and sorted the Sainsbury shop . I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day than me .


Afternoon Darnies I didn’t have a bad night ….and I did go for a short walk to the local shop first thing …but my foot is still too uncomfortable to walk very far ….but at least I did get some fresh air . Aside from that I’ve done two loads of washing and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen ,so a bit more productive than yesterday .But I’m still feeling quite *weary* and fed up with not feeling 100%. I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday , and enjoying the sunshine .


Afternoon Darnies Quite cloudy here today …with a few sunny periods ….not that I’ve been further than the garden . Fair night …..but I didn’t feel up to going for a walk so I’ve spent the day doing housework…changed bedsheets , done a load of washing , hoovered and dusted ….so not a totally idle day .I hope everyone else isis having a more exciting day than meAnd a huge  hug for a dear friend .


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