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I'm not sure relaxing is quite the right word for it, but it's been ok

A couple of hours of housework first thing, then a few hours of school work until Duds got up and distracted me by taking me out for tea (love it when that happens), then a quick trip to Tesco to grab a couple of bits I forgot yesterday, back to school work for a couple of hours, finished off with a lounge on the sofa and a chat to you lot .....once you get here    



Last edited by Ducky
Ducky posted:

I'm not sure relaxing is quite the right word for it, but it's been ok

A couple of hours of housework first thing, then a few hours of school work until Duds got up and distracted me by taking me out for tea (love it when that happens), then a quick trip to Tesco to grab a couple of bits I forgot yesterday, back to school work for a couple of hours, finished off with a lounge on the sofa and a chat to you lot .....once you get here    



Hi Duckster Sounds a productive day ....more productive than mine  

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

So, what procrastination have you planned for tomorrow ? 

  Well, tomorrow I thought if the weather is ok...I could do a bit of gardening before the school work. 


Duds is work tomorrow, so I'm gonna have to make up distractions of my own  


What have you got planned?  

I'm going to do really fun things like changing the bed etc. ...... ....I'm a bit behind after all the uncle business ..... 

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Rofl How is Pops ? 

Just as doolally as ever She's now taken to barking to be let in, even when the door is already wide open.   And she's gonna start resembling a Pug soon if she doesn't stop throwing herself at the closed section of the patio door. 





Awww Do you think her eyesight is going ? 

Baz posted:

Awww Our eldest cat was the same .....she'd dive for the cat flap and looked totally shocked when she head butted it  


Awww Pops has to jump up over the patio door step to get in, but as she can't see it she will overcompensate and do a huuuuuge jump just to make sure she clears it.....but she often jumps in the complete opposite direction.  


It's amusing but kinda sad at the same time, bless her. 

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:

Awww Our eldest cat was the same .....she'd dive for the cat flap and looked totally shocked when she head butted it  


Awww Pops has to jump up over the patio door step to get in, but as she can't see it she will overcompensate and do a huuuuuge jump just to make sure she clears it.....but she often jumps in the complete opposite direction.  


It's amusing but kinda sad at the same time, bless her. 


Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

It's a nightmare trying to get her back in from the garden. I usually have to go outside and guide her to the door. I'd have thought dogs would be good at finding their way around without their sight, but she's pretty hopeless. 


Don't be giving her too much sympathy she can't even find her way to her food bowl! She'll even walk past it when I put it right in front of her! 


There's just no excuse for stupidity  


Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

It's a nightmare trying to get her back in from the garden. I usually have to go outside and guide her to the door. I'd have thought dogs would be good at finding their way around without their sight, but she's pretty hopeless. 


Don't be giving her too much sympathy she can't even find her way to her food bowl! She'll even walk past it when I put it right in front of her! 


There's just no excuse for stupidity  


Our cat used to do that too  

Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

It's a nightmare trying to get her back in from the garden. I usually have to go outside and guide her to the door. I'd have thought dogs would be good at finding their way around without their sight, but she's pretty hopeless. 


Don't be giving her too much sympathy she can't even find her way to her food bowl! She'll even walk past it when I put it right in front of her! 


There's just no excuse for stupidity  


Our cat used to do that too  

It must be an age thing  


When I start walking past McDonalds and not realising it's there, I'll expect you to the humane thing and put me down Bazzy! 

Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Baz posted:
Ducky posted:

It's a nightmare trying to get her back in from the garden. I usually have to go outside and guide her to the door. I'd have thought dogs would be good at finding their way around without their sight, but she's pretty hopeless. 


Don't be giving her too much sympathy she can't even find her way to her food bowl! She'll even walk past it when I put it right in front of her! 


There's just no excuse for stupidity  


Our cat used to do that too  

It must be an age thing  


When I start walking past McDonalds and not realising it's there, I'll expect you to the humane thing and put me down Bazzy! 

PMSL I think I'm already there !! 


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