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Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


what goes on in the house should stay in the house 


media hype I think and fabricated stories being made up from a few tweeted words ....  it has been going on all day - twitter is ablaze with gossip 

This was from his official FB  For some reason Aaron seems to be promoting all their FB pages 

It's my understanding that none of the 'Official' pages are actually run by Hms; they are run by BB! 

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

This was from his official FB  For some reason Aaron seems to be promoting all their FB pages 

It's my understanding that none of the 'Official' pages are actually run by Hms; they are run by BB! 


I agree  



this years accounts seem a bit more *real* as they have been  linked to their twitter accounts 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Judging by Twitter and FB they all do seem to be vying for who can get the best message out there today  The Mayfair have tweeted Gina asking if she's enjoying her stay, Dexters doing something big tomorrow (BBBOTS) Dan's split with his partner, Hazels been papped at the airport, Daleys been arrested and Sam's gone home for a nap oh and the twins had a carvery, 20 big macs and a partridge in a pear tree (I might have made the last bit up) 

And all of this will only be reported in the Daily Star.  So to add the biggest and most exciting headline today...... I HAD A POO

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Judging by Twitter and FB they all do seem to be vying for who can get the best message out there today  The Mayfair have tweeted Gina asking if she's enjoying her stay, Dexters doing something big tomorrow (BBBOTS) Dan's split with his partner, Hazels been papped at the airport, Daleys been arrested and Sam's gone home for a nap oh and the twins had a carvery, 20 big macs and a partridge in a pear tree (I might have made the last bit up) 

And all of this will only be reported in the Daily Star.  So to add the biggest and most exciting headline today...... I HAD A POO

You win 


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