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Most kids probably don't wear them once they get to near teens but I'll be making sure my 12 year old gets one now after his mate had a bad accident earlier. All the kids were riding their bikes in the street and one 12 year old came off (freak accident, hit a bump in the road whilst racing) flew two car lengths and landed 6 feet away from his bike. The screaming we heard was unbelievable!


The upshot is after one ambulance, one paramedic car, the air ambulance and two police cars attended the poor little sod is now in the Royal London Hospital with a broken shoulder and a fractured skull doped up to the eyeballs on morphine and having to be carefully monitored because of his ear bleeding...


He was brave though and stayed conscious and talking the whole time. He was more worried about his ankle hurting (nothing wrong with that though, just skinned it).


Having his school uniform cut off didn't please his mum too much though!


So...make your kids wear their helmets!

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Originally Posted by Avalon Moonlight:

You can also buy cyclist's trousers with padding around the arse area but I would imagine that they'd be pretty unsightly


TBH, it's a big mistake to think that a bigger and bigger saddle will get rid of pain.  If you cycle to any extent, it won't.  There's a reason those dudes in the Tour de France are not biking about with sofas attached to their bikes and it isn't all about weight and it isn't cause they've got spectacularly tough nuts.


Your far better with a smaller saddle that you've chosen after sitting on as many as possible - to get one that fits your anatomy.


If you've got the money, another option is a Brookes leather saddle that will last a life time.  Takes time to break in but it will mould itself to your body.  Be uncomfy as hell to anyone else but who cares about them.


If all that fails, get some lycra under shorts with padding but don't waste your arse on a big squidgy thing unless you only cycles 1/2 a mile to the pub and back once a week.  


A mate of mine used to be into mountain biking. I can't remember the exact details of the incident, but the upshot was that he was coming fast down a slope, as his route crossed a country lane. Unfortunately he completely misjudged the bottom of the slope, and the result was that he went flying over the handlebars, landing practically head-first on the tarmac. His helmet was a right-off, but if it hadn't been for that he probably wouldn't be around today.


Now, you could argue that that was an extreme incident (although it's not that dissimilar to Croc's story), and one which my friend was responsible for. He'd actually agree with that, but no matter how defensively you ride out on the streets, you can't guarantee against someone-else doing something stupid. My mate wouldn't consider riding down to the newsagents without his helmet, and neither would I - not now...

Eugene's Lair

Well, have seen Kieron's dad this moring and it seems the shoulder if definitely broken and the skull fractured. He's in Kings College cos they have a top neurology unit there. They are carefulyl moritoring him cos he still has bleeding from his ear but he was trying to eat breakfast this morning...couldn't cos of a painful jaw but all good news.


A helmets would have done nothing for the shoulder but it would have saved his skull...his dad reckons he will be investing in one.


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