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The reasons we have put our profiles on private is through paranoia, this is preventing FM’s leaving messages on our walls. Put your profile on private if you want, but unless you have a very good reason for setting all your profile to ‘ Private’ you will miss out on positive comments to your blogs.  Be selective in your Profile settings.


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There's nothing worse than finding a good blog and not being able to leave a comment or note of appreciation.
I've left a few comments on others' blogs (been nearly all Americans, I think), but then I can never find them again to follow the rest of the discussion.
subatomic partygirl
That's happened to me a couple of times and it is frustrating.  One was asking for recipes and as I watch every cooking programme going, I had quite a lot of ideas.

People have the right to set their blogs to only accept comments from their buddies, but why set it to let the whole world read then? It's frustrating to see it listed on the right and thinking it's a subject you would like to discuss and then not being able to join in.
I was guilty of this for a few days but in all honesty it wasnt intentional - I had played around with a few settings as you do getting used to a new place - it doesnt tell you it is private so if it isnt intentional you rely on someone else telling you or asking if you meant it to be
  but I can't understand the hiding off line milarkey
I open my browser in the morning with all the tabs of places I go to from time to time  during the day.. but am not there all the time so if I don't tick the 'offline' button it looks like I am being rude by being there and not replying
Mount Olympus *Olly*
but I can't understand the hiding off line milarkey
on other forums I have used - members have hidden online status in case OH etc looked in from work   but here it is irrelevant as the ginger bread man is orange even if your online is hidden - still a deterrant for nosy OH's though
I did it on Ch4 for a bit too, but like yourself it was in a thread about tips on the forum and some one told us how to do it, so I changed it and never changed it back

But on here I don't understand it, its a social network type site, so if you don't want to get involved why sign in at all?
I spend hours reading and by the time I have caught up no one is here to post to
  Snap hehe! I just found the book club blog and forum too after my snouting around so I am a happy chappy today!
I'm afraid that I had a clutch of unwelcome, ugly, and thuggish morons poking their unwelcome noses into my 'site'. It was a question of cutting their noses off to improve their faces!
Reference: GuessWho
I can understand some one putting their profile on private, if they just want their mates to see it, but I can't understand the hiding off line milarkey
The reason I like to appear offline is I'm working, I wouldn't want to appear rude for not replying or responding, I'm either doing paperwork or on the phone all day and evening. Until recently we were a 24 hour service so I could well be online but also working throughout the night.
I'm afraid that I had a clutch of unwelcome, ugly, and thuggish morons poking their unwelcome noses into my 'site'. It was a question of cutting their noses off to improve their faces!
What a gent!
I like it when readers comment on any post that I make.  My stuff is all available to the world.  I try to read all the new posts from the home page each evening.  May have to come up for air at some time or another. Keep posting,  I am reading.
I don't have a blog, and have no plans to make there's nothing for anyone to comment on.

And my profile is set to private because this site is much bigger, and more public, than either the C4 or Gaga ones were; I'm not comfortable with that many people having access to my personal details (such as are there).
Call me paranoid if you wish, but I've had problems on forums before.
My biggest problem is trying to tell the difference between a blog and a thread post.  I usually just click on the email notification and it takes me to that spot in the discussion. I have to go to the top of the page to determine which it is. After the initial post though, it is all just dialog between members.
Reference: sbevis
I like it when readers comment on any post that I make.  My stuff is all available to the world.  I try to read all the new posts from the home page each evening.  May have to come up for air at some time or another. Keep posting,  I am reading.
See, this is where we differ.
Us Brits (scottish   like to think of ourselves  as diverse, and *out there*.......when we're anything but................We're the most closeted closed up nation I've ever come across.........good sense of humour, but too much of an island mentality to see past our own noses.

Suspicion of good deeds in people, and basic good manners seems to have us all on constant alert  ..........not a good trait in my book.
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Can't see anywhere where personal info can be seen????? Only if folk have pics on here of Family, friends etc, and wouldn't want everyone to see- but they could be posted to friends etc; through Dialog.   I had the same prob last night re- commenting on a blog. I asked to be a buddy- was accepted and hey-presto-- sorted.   Think some folk turnned everything off when we came here and haven't got round to seeing what everything does.  Give em time, and things will get better.
I have no problem with private profiles, but it's weird doing a blog and only letting your mates respond, unless you make it only readable by them too.

I'm not a thuggish moron all the time.
The reason I like to appear offline is I'm working, I wouldn't want to appear rude for not replying or responding, I'm either doing paperwork or on the phone all day and evening. Until recently we were a 24 hour service so I could well be online but also working throughout the night.
The reason I appear to be offline is most of the time I can not sit in the same position for very long and type, Lupus affects my muscles and my hands get badly affected,if I was shown online I would not want anyone to think I was rude not joining in the threads,I sometimes just come back and forth and go into a few of the threads or read some of them depending on how I am feeling at the time there is no ulterior motive for doing so
Mount Olympus  Yesterday at 10:33

Also sometimes  I just don't feel up to chatting but I like to read,  but I'd feel rude if it showed I was here but wasn't talking
the only downside to this offline/online listing is that it is only the online list at the side it effects - the gingerbread man turns orange when you are online and shows as orange in posts  you have made .....  click on him and it tells you when you last logged in - the option to lurk and hide isnt here as far as I can see

I can see  Olly  here now

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