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First there was the 'Davina McCaw crossword' task, then last night's 'rate the housemates' task.. BB are trying to rattle them and get them to get their gloves off for the last week, sounds like it's working
Corin Mario and Andrew were saying about this in the early hours of this morning,poor Corin saying why are they doing this to us in our last week.
JJ1 is now chairing a meeting of the Star Chamber (JJ2, Dave, Sam and Andrew) in the living room. He has gracefully informed them that they are welcome to disagree with his view of Corin but they will find out later that he was right, so it's best that they all agree with him
Oh gawd Friday can't come quick enough for me,I am sooooo looking forward to seeing him go out that door,especially before Corin,somehow some way it must be hammered home to him how he treats folk is NOT acceptable.
Sam is toeing a very fine line...he's just told Corin that she can't have a right of reply after JJ1 has held court for ages! Now he's saying she has to do what she is told by the group (well all the 'men' really).
He what!....aww sod this enough is enough,Fingermouse knew what he was doing last night all the fawning over him,who do those barstewards think they are,I just hope Corin somehow manages to hold it together,don't give them what they want.
I think it was a task last night LL, i only saw the end of it on LF and i have to say i think BB are doing a great job on getting corin wound up, the HM's had been called into the DR during the day to rate the other HM's then it was put on a board in the LR, basically corin came off worse and Josie came top of all of them, i think John was either top or close to top for being fake, after the task they all told each other where they placed them in each category (sp) The men couldn't wait to tell corin they thought she was the fakiest
Bob Righter has come to life and revealed a cryptic task to the House.

In his rhyming message, Bob seemed to be intimating that the housemates must attempt to behave as unpredictably as possible.

For the past 70 days Bob Righter has been watching the housemates and has observed a series of patterns in their behaviour, in other words Bob Righter believes that Housemates have become predictable.

Last night Bob left his box and wrote a list of 15 secret predictions that involve all the housemates and how they will act/behave over the next three days. Bob has placed this list in a locked briefcase in the Garden, which must be guarded by 2 housemates at all times to ensure that Big Brother does not tamper with the case or its contents.

Since the reveal of this task, the housemates, rather predictably it must be said, have begun arguing already.

It appeared that a number of the gang took this opportunity to tell some of the others their most predicatable traits, not always in a positive way.

Sam and John James told Corin she couldn't wear makeup which angered both her and Josie who in no uncertain terms told the duo they had no right to make that decision.

John and Corin then had a bit of a bustup with the buxom babe accusing John of being the 'most arrogant person [she's] ever met'.

The fiery Aussie did not back down, again quite predictably, and expressed his opinion that Corin is fake and said in a rather sarcastic tone, 'what a surprise, as soon as there are no nominations you come out of your shell'.

After the argument had died down, Josie expressed her opinion that Sam and John were picking on Corin and that she 'doesn't like people behaving like that'.

We're not sure even Bob expected this kind of explosive reaction to his task but he has already achieved his aim of stirring the House up a bit.

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