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@Baz posted:

Now I’ve had my booster â€Ķ.and been to opticians and shops in town , my next challenge is once m6 renewed bus pass arrives I’m going to be brave and tackle going on the bus â€Ķ.will be the first time since before Covid / my ankle â€Ķ.then if I manage that I’m going to go to the spa .

awww good for you bazzy glad you are getting out

Rocking Ros Rose
@Baz posted:

Now I’ve had my booster â€Ķ.and been to opticians and shops in town , my next challenge is once m6 renewed bus pass arrives I’m going to be brave and tackle going on the bus â€Ķ.will be the first time since before Covid / my ankle â€Ķ.then if I manage that I’m going to go to the spa .

good for you..Covid really isn't that big of a deal now due to vaccines. Yes, people die, but people die with flu, the number of deaths are very low now


people believe conspiracy theories and won't have the vaccines, it's surprising what people believe in this country...sometimes I feel there is no f****** hope

I agree â€Ķpeople are so bliddy gullible â€Ķ..I’m amazed that seemingly intelligent adults can extrapolate the odd problem with a vaccine into catastrophizing !


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