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Rio is looking after himself while Lynds and the rest are in Turkey, obviously he has A levels and wouldn't have gone with them anyway. On Sunday, Peter remotely logged onto the house Alexa and kept playing music Rio was getting passed himself before his dad admitted what he had been doing.... Rio said, I was scared to go to bed in case I didn't waken up



Rio is looking after himself while Lynds and the rest are in Turkey, obviously he has A levels and wouldn't have gone with them anyway. On Sunday, Peter remotely logged onto the house Alexa and kept playing music Rio was getting passed himself before his dad admitted what he had been doing.... Rio said, I was scared to go to bed in case I didn't waken up

Awwww bless him



Rio is looking after himself while Lynds and the rest are in Turkey, obviously he has A levels and wouldn't have gone with them anyway. On Sunday, Peter remotely logged onto the house Alexa and kept playing music Rio was getting passed himself before his dad admitted what he had been doing.... Rio said, I was scared to go to bed in case I didn't waken up

Rocking Ros Rose

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