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Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

My Sky Q is being installed on Saturday  

Is it cheaper bazzy ?- we have multi room HD BT sports and is expensive-someone said sky Q was cheaper?

We are having it cos you don't need any wires ....on the extra room....just a little wireless box Nite again  

oo sounds good thanks bazzy - will look into it

Rocking Ros Rose

Good late afternoon Cribsters   

Ots been a right cold, wet and miserable day here. More to come tomorrow and even colder 


Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *I was like a soggy cushion when I got back from shopping this morning, snogsssssssssssssssss*    

But I'm okay now 


Hope you lovelies have had a drier day, though I doubt it somehow  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


evening vbaz and bestie Rosssssssssssssssssssssss  


sorry I was distracted with a message I had to was ok, bloke didn't turn up to check my gas pipes...I am so angry, phone call tomorrow when I get back off the school run. I can't stay, I'm up at 5.30 tomorrow 

Grrrrr How annoying !!  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Grrrrr How annoying !!  



considering they phoned me yesterday and asked me to stay in 


Lynds needs another op, son in law is crippled with his back and won't go back to docs...and I'm fed up with everyone being ill and that makes me panic 

Oh nooooo What sort of op ?  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Grrrrr How annoying !!  



considering they phoned me yesterday and asked me to stay in 


Lynds needs another op, son in law is crippled with his back and won't go back to docs...and I'm fed up with everyone being ill and that makes me panic 

 why won'the go to the docs dammee ? Is he still managing to work??

Rocking Ros Rose
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Oh nooooo What sort of op ?  


the three prolapses she had...they taped one and did a proper repair on the other two...the botched up bladder one collapsed again  why not do them all properly first time, GP is going ballistic 

Oh heck TBH that's why I never had mine done ...cos they so often fail ....or worse still the mesh thing grows into the muscles ....

Rocking Ros posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:



I'm just wondering if I will last the series with I'm a celeb.... 

It wasn't brilliant , was it Mind you , I've got a headache , which doesn't help Did you get everything done today Dame ?  

tbh not really enjoying it this time but like the thread

Yes, I'll stick with it for the thread  


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